
It's long been my belief that we need a remake of "Red Dawn," in this case entitled "Orange Don," featuring a scrappy band of freedom fighting Wolverines like Scott Baio, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, & Seb Gorka who heroically save America from the Soros-funded woke Marxist invasion.
Today's Trump fundraising email makes reference to Biden's political "firing squad" that seeks to "put MAGA down" and "erase" Donald Trump personally. This is the "final battle" to "save America."
In all seriousness though, the current "battle to save America", Joe just an absurd attempt to recapture the moral urgency of the batttle against Communism that energized and gave meaning to the American conservative movement ca. 1945-1989.
I was listening to The Runup (I know; I hate myself) and they were following signature gatherers for protecting abortion rights. This one lady was a bone deep Republican. Signed the petition. Was adamantly in favor of choice. And Biden is definitely destroying the country. Just brain-broke.