
I'm back with your Sunday evening update! 1006 if you have paid $177,696.11 for 3039 items! That is now a full $10,000 of rounding up from your invoices! 44 of you have taken advantage of 2nd chance offers to add $25,449 to our total!! We are now officially past $975k total!
We still have 126 invoices outstanding with a total of 234 items. Almost 90% of you have now paid, which is AMAZING for Sunday night!!! 89% of our donor have already had all of their winners paid & verified. We hope to get it over 90% by tomorrow when we send our first batch!
A few housekeeping details: * If you accepted a 2nd chance offer, please donate via that link! It has a different invoice # than your first link, and this will let us track you swiftly! * We are still receiving confirmation from some donors. More offers coming tomorrow!
* If you click on the unsubscribe link in our signature, it will put you on a "never contact again" list, which means we won't end up sending you winner/confirmation emails. Please be cautious with this link! * Thank you for everyone who has paid so swiftly! We love you!
* A gentle reminder that we only accept donations via the ActBlue page set up for this event! We can not, ever, accept donations you have made to political campaigns! That would be election crimes, and we do not do election crimes!
As always, if you have any questions, please let us know! Donors: expect your first round of emails with your winners tomorrow. (But if you don't get one, don't panic! We're trying to confirm ALL of your winners first!)