Romancing the Vote

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Romancing the Vote

Romancing the Vote, coming to save a democracy near you July 1st - 5th. (We run an auction to raise money for voting access, because voter suppression is BAD.) Run by Courtney Milan & Kit Rocha email: romancingrunoff @ gmail
Before we disappear for the night, a few links! US Citizens can donate at: International folks at: You can view the aftermath of the carnage and marvel at the victories & betrayals here:
It is not even 9pm here in Alabama and I am absolutely going to bed. 😂 See y'all in 12 hours.
YAH! Now go to bed!!!
A fun number for you before I cartwheel away to bed: 1,129 of you won a total of 3,273 items between you!
We have sent out our first round of emails! Please check your spam folders/weird gmail filters/under the bed for it! It may take a bit for our server to deliver all of them, but if you don't have one by tomorrow morning reach out to us! (Please don't panic before that!)
This is the way dot gif
All of us, rounding up to the nearest 69....
Also I am truly, truly sorry that the 32auctions crash happened. We did what we could to prevent it but some things are beyond our control. I ask that you be patient with us about that. We are absolutely doing our best. (And these are not our servers!)
Bree says: we also have some very high value items where another will be offered to the runner-ups if they match the highest bid. Last year we pulled in $20k on that alone. This year we're MUCH more organized about it. 💗
All I know as Official Keeper of the Act Blue page is that I’m not exactly sure how close I will come to the seven figure mark.
The thing about one of these auctions is that we neeever quite know how much we are actually going to raise. I don’t mean because people won’t pay: some people don’t, but it’s a much smaller percentage than you think. I mean because people round up. Some of them, a lot.
I have it on good authority that 32auctions crashing is the only reason a $6k bid didn't get entered. the reasonable conclusion is that whoever put in that $5801 one might have paid off Curt from 32auctions. 👀 (kidding! lol)
$5801 is what this stunner by went for--and I had gauged it at $6K! I WAS REALLY CLOSE!!! For and DEMOCRACY!
Alright, crafters of #RomancingTheVote, drop links to your shops in the replies! Let’s support our amazing donors & keep that auction joy alive (especially if we missed items *shakes hand at sky*)
Okay, it appears that the site is kind of getting back on its feet, but we're going to try to get the sales data out of it now! Once we do, we will be emailing y'all ASAP so you can start donating!
Yes! Don't panic, and just don't keep going to the website. We will get it sorted out, we promise!
Sooooo if we got a screen that said we won an item, did we win it?
Our GOOD, you mean.
We appear to have broken @32auctions again. Our bad.
I think we crashed the servers again. LOL
Um did just crash? Cause it said I won something so I went to click on it, and now I am just getting failed pages.
We appear to have broken @32auctions again. Our bad.
$5k zoomed by just like that! $180,000 raised AND COUNTING! 6 minutes to betray everyone you love: http://auction.roman...
With just over 15 minutes to go, we have reached the lifetime total of $950,000!!!! Are we going to reach $1,000,000 this year? I'm starting to think MAYBE? http://auction.roman...
💗 money for voting is the endgame, but keeping people feeling encouraged & hopeful enough to fight is the victory.
In some alternate reality, I didn't have the chaotic fun giddiness of this to cheer me up this week, and that leads me to think that maybe we're not on the absolute worst timeline.
I’m in your auction, sniping your items. 😘 One hour to go for! You can still try to snipe the items I donated from their current high bidders! Nine books + tote: Special edition HTS:
Come join the dragons for the last hour of bidding!
I was going to wait, but since I've got the livestream up and running, I figured I'd share the fun. Head over to youtube and you, too, can watch the bidstream live as the knives come out and the friendships are shattered. Less than 3 hours to go!