
Look buddy, I'm not here to be your teacher, but from the top of my head 2002? 1957? Does it matter? It doesn't. Immigration is like a weather, you can complain about, it, it happens. But on the whole it's good. Great actually. We are a net monetary benefit to the country.
In fact we are *better* than native born English people: we cost almost nothing and in return we pay a lot into the Treasury and the local councils so... I *really* don't understand why the resistance.
This whole "oh noes, immigrants" is an invention of right wing media and think tanks and the racists who hate us for being foreign. That is all. It's neatly dressed up in the language of concern but it's just that: a wedge issue they can press on. The best you and everyone else can do is to learn
Oh no gay + Oh no immigrants is so old.