András Forgács W

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András Forgács W

Hungarian-born British screenwriter.
Same hat size as Ralph Fiennes, same shoe size as Anthony Eden

As seen on the Bird App


so apparently the exit polls show the fash hasn't succeed in france this time can we like, *not* do this with every french election please? ask them where the money came from. something. this is dumb.
The Budapest mayoral election is *still* not over! The superior court ruled *all* votes have to be recounted - if you recall incumbent Gergely Karácsony only won by 44 votes
have you noticed ever since Labour came to power the weather has been shite? #StarmerOut
People think I'm taken in by contemporary toxic masculinity when I say I want to build my own house These people never saw an English house before
Why is there a party political broadcast on behalf of the Tory party on the BBC?
And they’re off! Here go the Tories already trying to make next five years about exactly how vile we can be to migrants. (“Whatever it takes” in this context of course meaning “set fire to the ECHR and Refugee Convention”.)
"why is it taking so long?" The instant gratification culture poisoned people's minds
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
a. It was clearly a joke but then b. actually it would make sense because driving on the left doesn't give the UK any benefit other than a waste of resources. we should have done this decades ago when it would have been cheaper. (much like with addressing climate change: it will only get expensive)
IIRC it cost Sweden a fortune in 1962 with a very small fraction of today's UK population and a tinier fraction of the built infrastructure. I'm all for Rejoin but the cost of the switch in question would never survive a rational cost-benefit analysis. It's a cosmetic, totemistic distraction.
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
three things that are right pain in the arse keeping continuity with: food, drinks and cigarettes if you value your life on set, you don't write anything like this
movies need more small sandwiches, maybe without crust because sometimes that's a bit much, served on a tiny plate with a spike through it so it can be delivered in a dainty manner by someone wearing a waistcoat with a cute bowtie that is about 10 degrees off axis. ANDRÁS! FIX THIS!
these are not skinny jeans, these are tapered, I just got fat
"Skinny jeans give me the ick" Bitch, neither one of us will ever retire. Get better priorities.
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
same thing about filmmaking: "On the day" can mean five minutes from now or six months from now
when I say “the other day” it might be 1998 who even knows
Quarter of a million? No, thanks. My accountant says I've accepted enough for this fiscal quarter.
tell me your fav film with a quote.
so switzerland apparently had more shots off target than England. i think they should change the scoring system to A/V but they are afraid that unsavoury teams would get in like Reform... I mean Hungary
oh god if England wins the football, everyone will misremember this summer as "the good old days" ten years from now
there is some shouting going on, is it possible that the football is now continuing?
"You are in for a treat, I'm making Hungarian coffee." "Hungarian coffee? What is that like?" "It's a coffee that's made by a Hungarian. Me."
what I never understood, right from the start of the pandemic: if you are one of those racist arseholes who's afraid of being replaced by the savage forrins, why don't you do everything in your power to stop catching COVID? that's the only way to "preserve your race"
So the weather is awful so I'm watching the Hawaii 5-0 reboot but only the establishing shots
Stolen from a friend but it made me laugh
Also given the number of creators, GoFundMe pages, crowdfund projects, good causes and so on that get promoted and shared, abs directly benefit, that’s a really narrow view of ‘doing something’.
the very worst thing about social media is the inability to recognise anything between two extremes either "change through poasting" or "everything is pointless why bother" and nothing in between
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.