
People on iNaturalist be like "idk I'm not an expert but that ID doesn't look right, I think it's , what do you think, ?" Anyway, don't do this.
#EmotionalSupportSpood 🖤 In preparation for a spider-finding trip with GB Edwards next week, I'm picking up some more of these little black nuggets, for science. This is an adult or penultimate female "Chalcoscirtus" - they may end up being placed in a different genus. 🌿 🕷️ 🧪
Me, getting a couple of iNat notifications: "Oooh did x scientist get a chance to weigh in on this weird creature from a month ago--oh no it's just some rando thinking one of my 20 Chalcoscirtus observations is actually Heliophanus or Phidippus johnsoni again 😬😬"
i put up a picture of a flower i didn’t recognize and somebody helpfully informed me that it is a plant
i mean they’re not wrong?
maybe you can confirm their id and get this puppy to research grade
Be fair, I went to an iNat webinar last year where they encouraged everyone to add identifications wherever they could even if it was very general like this
yeah it's for visibility. in my country (we don't have many users), observations with no ID at all are often left untouched for years. but once i do broad IDs (angiosperm, passeriform, etc), then the experts for those groups will see them and take over within days.
that being said, once someone said it's a plant, you probably don't need to agree that it's a plant. that'd just add extra notifications for everyone.
i did agree, because i thought it was funny "now that you point that out, i concur! definitely kingdom plantae!"