Bugge-Finder Private Newton Pulsifer 🏳️‍⚧️

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Bugge-Finder Private Newton Pulsifer 🏳️‍⚧️


"How many nuggets have ye?"
Nature photographer, amateur naturalist & arthropod enthusiast. Florida natives, here. Pics my own. Dead Name Walking. They/Them
[email protected]
IG: @dandroidsaperturescience
Discord: apsciencebydan
Look you can't just paint eyes on your wings and be a spider--oh, well would you look at that 🌿 🦋
Mr Marpissa Bina would like you to put the stick down please, he did not request ups like this 🌿 🕷️ (I put him down, he's fine 🖤)
We understand this correct? Project 2025 is not fringe on the right. It's just that everyone in the center and on the left doesn't pay attention to evangelicals cause y'all think they're funny and weird instead of wildly fucking dangerous. Project 2025 is dead serious and extremely popular.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
Thought I saw a ground-nesting bee doing some excavation in the sand, so I stopped and watched for awhile. It was not a bee, but a tiger beetle baby! First shot, I managed to catch the split second before it tossed the ball of sand out of the hole. Nightmare creature doing burrow maintenence 💚 🌿 🪲🧪
Reminds me of the gross "let her win", "happy wife, happy life" bullshit. The unspoken assumption being "you, the man, are actually always right" But if you can't do things as a *mutually* enriching equal partnership, maybe just gtfo of decisions/discussion you don't absolutely need to be in.
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
Did you know that Cheeto's have a free-living larval stage before they mature and begin communal life in bags? (poduromorph springtail 🧡) 🌿
Faces of Habronattus boys from a short walk this morning 👀👀 1st pic is a H. notialis, 2nd is H. brunneus. Notialis are fairly easy to shoot, and they're pretty common. Brunneus boys are usually on the move and getting face shots require some patience on the part of the human. Worth it. 💚 🌿 🕷️
Weirding out my siblings while playing card games tonight by quoting inappropriate deep cuts from Letterkenny, Archer, and Future Man (none of them have seen any of them) "He is riiiiisen!"
#EmotionalSupportSpood A little Tutelina "Crested" (currently undescribed) boy from this morning, showing off his little blue chelicerae 💙 Goodnight y'all 🌿 🕷️
Faces of Habronattus boys from a short walk this morning 👀👀 1st pic is a H. notialis, 2nd is H. brunneus. Notialis are fairly easy to shoot, and they're pretty common. Brunneus boys are usually on the move and getting face shots require some patience on the part of the human. Worth it. 💚 🌿 🕷️
Thought I saw a ground-nesting bee doing some excavation in the sand, so I stopped and watched for awhile. It was not a bee, but a tiger beetle baby! First shot, I managed to catch the split second before it tossed the ball of sand out of the hole. Nightmare creature doing burrow maintenence 💚 🌿 🪲🧪
For your consideration: Longspood (Marpissa pikei) She's long. I had not encountered this species before! They've probably seen me though, many times. Very sneaky. 🤎 🌿 🕷️
Phidippus workmani lass, grooming after finishing off a very large grasshopper 💛 This species is the first Phidippus I ever saw. They're endemic to Florida and Georgia and are always a treat to see in the savannah habitat they seem to love. Gold Lumps. 🌿 🕷️ 🧪
I need a fur coat like this 👀 (it's owlfly babies, of course 🖤) 🌿
Another nesting Bird Lump (nighthawk)! This one is a stone's throw from the Polyergus oligergus nest I found a few weeks back, and I check on them both periodically. 🖤 🌿 🦅
It's foolishness to try to pick favorite bugs but in the realm of Bees these have a most pleasing shape and size
Some bees are resin bees and they're cuddly right out of the box ❤️
Having Archer playing while sleepily scrolling/reading things is to suddenly be jerked back to wakefulness by some absolutely ridiculous lines every minute or two
Nearly every time I'm at my absolute favorite place in Florida, I watch someone pull into the lot, pause for a minute, then drive off like they were underwhelmed by what they see. And I smile a little.
My 2024 hot take is: gatekeep like hell. You find a beautiful location tell only your closest friends. Keep that shit off social media. Unless you're talking about a literal stadium with explicit capacity keep that gem to yourself. Make people work for it
I have had the entire world opened up for me by being exposed to countless marginalized communities that I’d otherwise had very little opportunity to meet and learn from IRL. But I also had to do that *with intention*.
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
It's foolishness to try to pick favorite bugs but in the realm of Bees these have a most pleasing shape and size
Some bees are resin bees and they're cuddly right out of the box ❤️
you are friends with WAY MORE sexual assault victims than you are authors
Another nesting Bird Lump (nighthawk)! This one is a stone's throw from the Polyergus oligergus nest I found a few weeks back, and I check on them both periodically. 🖤 🌿 🦅
I need a fur coat like this 👀 (it's owlfly babies, of course 🖤) 🌿
Shy-Hulud didn't get ALL the mango. The tiny snails got some, and some for my tiny population of Strumigenys nugget ants 💛
Phidippus workmani lass, grooming after finishing off a very large grasshopper 💛 This species is the first Phidippus I ever saw. They're endemic to Florida and Georgia and are always a treat to see in the savannah habitat they seem to love. Gold Lumps. 🌿 🕷️ 🧪