Nodoka Hanamura

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Nodoka Hanamura

Second Life Wannabe E-Celeb, YSFlight Community Reject
Profile/Header by Gooey

🔞Minors DNI / EN-JP (🔰)

CEO, @MIRAIGroup / Host, Good Morning AGNI
Yeah, uh.. That tracks like a AMRAAM for me.
Saw this and damn, this shit hit me like the chicxulub asteroid:/
It's been a while since Leila's been in front of the lens... and there's no more fitting time than Shark Week to bring her around Seogyeoshire!
Holy shit, Bretonia just went full fascist
You ever just buy clothes from an event, and proceed to spend money on an outfit.. for a body.. at that body's store.. without realizing it's rigged only.. for that body. I never said I was smart.
I've gotta admit - I'm not a super big fan of Spoiled's pastel gamer girl aesthetic.. but hearing they've deadass gone through and updated their entire store catalog for modern bodies.. Uh.. holy fuck. Talk about dedication. Kudos.
Toilets are fucking weird, man..
Finally sorted out my Primfeed account! Feel free to follow me over there, too!
Two is one, and one is none. Have you made your backups of important data today?
We regret to inform you Windows have interrupted this Nodoka in SL due to 0x0A. Windows has been beaten submissively to a fine red mist and replaced. We apologize for any inconvenience.
So Kentucky is requiring an ID for porn sites. No one tell Frankfort what a VPN is.
🖌️FREE BRUSHES & TEXTURES FOR SAI 2!🎨 I have compiled a folder with all kinds of brushes, textures, & more I've downloaded the past few years for SAI 2. There's hundreds to play around with & I have labeled which folders go where in the folder. Enjoy! ♥️
On a.. Brighter note from the other day. Today is my 28th Birthday, and June 29th was my SL Rezday. For ten years now, I have called Agni my home. To say I take pride and honor in having been able to contribute to the betterment of our home is an understatement. Thank you, to all of my friends..
On a.. Brighter note from the other day. Today is my 28th Birthday, and June 29th was my SL Rezday. For ten years now, I have called Agni my home. To say I take pride and honor in having been able to contribute to the betterment of our home is an understatement. Thank you, to all of my friends..
If this shit keeps up, I am just not going to support artists at all anymore. I'm not going to condone or tolerate this abominable behavior, and I hope those who promulgate it fucking starve.
The more antagonistic I see non-AI artists towards people who use AI, the more I'm inclined to see the field of art rot and burn. I'm talking fucking parasites who are saying we should be doxxing, harassing, blackmailing and hacking these people.
"How do you feel about Yes?" "No."
Again, too much time on my hands.
Learn the new settings, familiarize yourself with how to customize your viewer. Don't use the mirrors toggle unless you're planning on staring yourself in a mirror. 2048 reflection resolution WILL slow you down to a crawl. This is a transition period into modern graphics for an ancient engine.
If you're having problems with the new firestorm PBR viewer, please do a clean install. Don't use old settings because a TON of stuff has changed. You will have problems if you try to set up the viewer the way 'you've done it for years'. Because those old settings don't exist anymore. #secondlife
Dumping Reshade pics tonight here, messing around. Thank you kind friends for giving me assets and tips and tricks 🥺 still goona take a hot min to get setup how I need... BUT wow. This is fun 👀 #secondlife
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My alter kinda got me in on that sapphic vibe lately, she and I kinda feel a bit down about the fact there's not much sapphic stuff on sale for Pride.
Go get it- its so cute!!!
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#SecondLife, help a girl out, will ya?
Anyone know where I can get some good Pride stuff in SL before it comes to a close?