
remember that thing your mom said in your teen years that was just a throw-away remark to her, but it changed your relationship and opinion of her forever? I made the mistake of telling my daughter I never consume fanfic/fic of any kind and she was so quietly, calmly disappointed in me.
Yes, mine was “I don’t drink water, it tastes bad” excuse me, ma’am!?
Well, no time like the present to change that!
I'm open to it . . . but I'm probably not going to be an easy woo. She sent me some stuff that was like very funny Gen Z parody, socialist themed Ronald McDonald slashfic and I was like helllppp I can't read this it has licensed characters in and it's makin' me feel all squirmy
. . . but I want to find out of the person is citing "Lost" with this Grimace v. Burger King dialogue . . .
To be fair that sounds like something that a century ago would have run in some political magazine. Not exactly my specific fandom wheelhouse but something still pretty storied.