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Inventor of Vine Ball
Reposted byAvatar Sighing
Reposted byAvatar Sighing
July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
I was on a boat again today, this time it was a canoe, and by God, I am prepared to boat all around if need be. I will make that sacrifice
Two pirates in the form of brunette 21st Century Sweet Valley High girls who eat like Elvis, hold me by the collar and negotiate chores until an agreement is reached whereby I take them to a cash machine, then the Dior store and the lake, then I am to perform cookery. Perhaps I should drink later
Who's going to work at my newspaper. I'm a busy man do you want a job or not. I punch my own desk!! I point my cigar at you. I like your style. You're hired.
She spent most days shit faced drunk and left her estate and all her royalties and shit to MLK and the NAACP what an absolute Monarch. What an absolute role model. Except for being notorious for leaving dogshit everywhere in the hotel she's an absolute role model
I see me Mum avidly drilling into a walnut shell to use it to replace the metal knob on a pot lid. I'm like "I hope you're not trying to attach that walnut shell" and she gets this defiant look in her eye and says "WHY NOT?!" all annoyed. Now I hear honest to god, SAWING and HAMMERING in there??
A skink just walked across my bathroom and hid under the washer in the corner. Not a small skink
Ohhhhh Mama. you better believe I Honk for Mohonk, I'm a Mohonk Maniac, love that shit, I'm Mohonkie. Big time. big time. I had cocoa in this room. They feed you so much it's like a chore to hit all the meals. Everyone should go, so they can understand what rich people are keepin' from youse
mohonk, main parlor, new paltz, new york, 1978
going to just make prop cigarettes for fun, they're just paper things that don't do anything, and after holding them in your mouth for 20 minutes, you can eat them or feed them to birds or something like they're just rice tubes for cool poses. I miss my cool poses of 20 years ago when I smoked
today the weather was 10/10 and the Chex mix (which I ate on a kayak) had a large amount of gardetto-toasts. the jam was terrific. the rock n' roll was perfect.
how does one configure a script that searches all the West Virginia properties on zillow for keywords like "spring-fed cave" or "historic foundation" or "underground cave complex"
My kid used to order weird things off the menu and I'd be like "you won't like that," then she'd get it anyways and be like "ew I don't like this," and I'd be like "too bad, you ordered it and you were fully informed." wonder why this is on my mind so often lately hmm HMMM uh-HUURRMMMMMMMM
we should return to REAL golf--get up early, become irascibly sweaty in expensive wool clothing, and with a club, you beat a rock across Scotland. a) you will be chased by a capercaillie and b) you must be so pissed off at the English that you're half-blind and c) you're wasted on Islay Magic
Reposted byAvatar Sighing
Reposted byAvatar Sighing
Along the Harford rd bridge in the cracks of the sidewalk there are these little wild bouquets
I bought a small antique chair (like a 12" doll chair) at the Goodwill and told the man it was a "kobold chair" and he came back sharp as a tack "You sound like a nerd"
LEMON DISCOS!! famous for being the only fungus that was at Studio 54
Love these little yellow circular blobs! They're more accurately known as the Yellow Fairy Cups, or Bisporella citrina 💛🍋🍌🧚‍♂️🥤🍄📷📸🎞
I haven't been in a situation where I had to tell a stranger to "get a grip" in a while, I think it might be today
the food at Fahrenheit was so good I'm actually considering breaking one of the major rules of living in Northern Virginia-- I'm going to initiate contact my neighbor when it isn't a matter of civic emergency
One thing I've learned in the past few days is that a lot of people were ready to receive the Good News about the Golf Course being turned into a Sex Forest. Now it's time to start injecting my beliefs about the Right to Swim into American dialogue
Rock Creek Valero, I just prefer that one, the stonework on the building is so DC. It would make the best photographs
abolish golf. environmental nightmare, only used as a networking tool for rich dicks, takes up public space that could be used communally. throw it in the fucking garbage
Make The Golf Course A Public Sex Forest! Anonymous Make The Golf Course A Public Sex Forest! June 2021
What if the my persistent urges about cinema are really the Lord telling me I should start a video store and sit in it being witty until He takes me home
my life surely would have taken a different trajectory if someone had shown me ACTUALLY weird shit and we're not making the same mistake with my kid that's for damn sure
I just ate mapo tofu and cold noodles (from FAHRENHEIT) so good they were like that moment in Slaughterhouse-Five where "every cell in Billy's body shook him with ravenous gratitude and applause" the mapo juice has cured me
"Why are you wearing that kerchief, is it a clown kerchief for clowns?" "No, it is a vintage authentic Wonder Bread Bakery employee kerchief I'll have you know." "Did you work there?" "No, I wear it to signal others of my kind." "And what kind is that?" "People interested in carbohydrates"
I don't think anyone would notice if I simply started routing all my gray-water into the yard, they'd notice only when my yard and house mysteriously only steamed a lot and the area smelled like roasting mushrooms during the inevitable Fairfax County wildfires
I like to tell Zelda about how when I attended the very same high school she now goes to, our days often began with racing to the drama prop closet where we would literally squabble over who got to use the 12 foot vs the 7 foot bullwhips, and who got to wear the old western gun belt (toy 6-guns)
don't look at this and consider buying it and then not buy it. in 2079 you'll be lying in a med-pod orbiting Europa watching Antiques Roadshow when it's appraised at a million kilograms of gold-pressed Latinum and five live pigeons and you'll be like "FUCK, my robots could've used that money"