
We were out on the lake yesterday enjoying the fourth as much as we could. Everything was as pleasant as possible, given the state of our country until the little Nazis showed up Boatloads of teenage MAGA freaks. Little assholes ruined the day by chanting Trump Trump Trump Trump Party over
They won't think it's funny if Trump were to win. Billy gets little Missy knocked up after too many hard seltzers and has to make the hard choice of throwing his college plans away to raise a kid, take a shit job he hates, and grow a dad bod at 27 because there won't be legal alternatives.
They won't be singing Trump's praises when he drafts Billy into his conscripted army of neo-Nazis. He is sent off to the arid Southwest to man a post, looking for "dangerous" people coming over -- or worse, sent off to war with one of our "former allies" like the UK or Canada.
They won't think Trump is cute when someone more influential and powerful than their parents comes to tell them that he now owns their house and property by fiat and there's nothing they can do about it. Thanks for voting for Der Fuhrer. You have 24 hours to leave.
''MAGA Missy'' who's very cute, blonde, blue-eyed, and fits the scheme for reproducing perfect cookie-cutter versions of more MAGA offspring, gets trafficked by an operative like Gaetz where she's sold to the highest MAGA bidder for favors and cash. Her MAGA boyfriend will be sad AF. 🎻