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Post Refugee, Democrat, Writer, Humorist
We were out on the lake yesterday enjoying the fourth as much as we could. Everything was as pleasant as possible, given the state of our country until the little Nazis showed up Boatloads of teenage MAGA freaks. Little assholes ruined the day by chanting Trump Trump Trump Trump Party over
Cancelled NYT today. Fuckers.
CNN: Is Biden Too Old 24 hours a day. Fuckers.
Friends have a wonderful holiday. I wish all you sweethearts the best of summer tomorrow. Lap it up. Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are ours by right. By “Nature and Nature’s God” Long live America. Oxoxox
Roger Stone bragged that MAGA had the home phone numbers of judges. I guess it was no lie, huh?
Republicans are traitors If you vote Republican, you are a traitor to the constitution of the United States If you vote Republican, you are in line as one of the soldiers tearing down the greatest country that ever was If you vote Republican you are monstrous Just a monstrous asshole
Clarence Thomas is worried about OSHA? I remember seeing this hunk of phlegm being confirmed, while I was packing to move out from a bad relationship and thinking it was appropriate that this misogynistic asshole would be confirmed despite the evidence of his rampant, sexual harassment Asshole
Clarence Thomas takes aim at a new target: Eliminating Justice Clarence Thomas argued that OSHA's authority was unconstitutional. He dissented from the court's decision to reject a challenge to the agency.
We went out on the boat today on the lake at the end of our street. It was cloudy and grim We had that feeling you have after you have cried for a really long time. We talked about our daughters. How can we possibly protect them? How can we protect them from tyrants?
One has vowed to act responsibly One has vowed to kill everyone—on television. #VoteBlue
If he wins: We need a way to stay safe and stay in touch friends. I’m pretty sure I will—like others—delete all my accounts. I am changing my voter registration to unaffiliated for safety. His guy still runs the post office. So there’s that. Too paranoid? I don’t think so. Do you?
What would happen if we all made our own DJT and company voodoo dolls? You think I’m kidding? What would 81 million people sticking pins in your doll do to you? We’re all evil, right? Us Democratic baby killers? Let’s curse this motherfucker. Let’s conjure these assholes into hell.
Donate anything to ActBlue tonight. Vote a straight party ticket D #VoteBlue
Just so you all know who don’t have access to cable news: CNN has been showing Supercuts of Joe Biden stumbling through the debate and has been asking the question about his age all fucking night Well Joe Biden is fucking king so they need to watch it
I sure hope we all end up in the same gulag.
What Biden could do now—- Wow But he won’t and that’s why we are voting for him.
It’s easy to destroy the structure of the US from your beach house. Or from your 300k RV With your spouses raking in $$$ It won’t affect you. You have all you basic needs covered in gold. But us serfs? We’ll suffer injury and die unheeded far from Palm Beach #FuckScotus #BlameGreed
After SCOTUS gutted the SEC and all of our other government agencies which will have the effect of rich white guys never being held accountable in their regulation-free utopia— How much you wanna bet they grant Trump immunity—but ONLY Trump—because this accident of conception gets it all forever.?
What a pile on yesterday from team blue for me questioning Biden’s age. I’m disappointed. We are the party of reason. We don’t simply whitewash what is in front of our eyes and to ask that is just as bad as Maga gaslighting their moronic base. Don’t we stand for reality? I thought we did.
Citizens United. Dobbs. Chevron. Just three devastating cases from the Roberts court. They will give Trump immunity from prosecution too Mrs Roberts pulls down big $$$ from her husband’s destruction of the country so good for her. Maybe hubby can collect some gratuities for her now.
I am blue to the end and forever. I can support Biden and still believe his age is a real problem. Both things can be true.
Tell your grandchildren what it was like before Trump and this fucking court because they won’t know.
Diane Feinstein missed three months of votes in the razor thin senate because of her ego. RBG knew she had cancer and refused retirement because somehow she wouldn’t die. Biden is directly posing a real concern for the future of our country so why stay? Ego ego ego ego Where’s the sanity?