
Once more into the Bill Barr breach, dear friends. (And then I think we’re done). Kaitlin Collins does a good job of pressing him on his Trump endorsement, in which he both confirms that he is a fascinating figure, as I said, and is also completely boring.
Fascinating: as I pointed out, he is unique in that he a) has no careerist motive, b) saw Trump up close, c) describes his character and actions accurately and publicly, d)but still endorses him. Boring: in the end, just another FNC-watching angry uncle.
Collins: over and over again: You yourself said Trump is terrible in these extreme ways. How is Biden worse? Barr: [List of culture war paranoid complaints we’ve all heard countless times, almost all of which — open borders, carnage in cities — is untrue]
Not to mention ridiculous whatabouts: Yes, Trump tried to overturn an election, but the real threat to democracy and the rule of law is that Biden found a way to forgive student loans after the Supreme Court said he couldn’t the first way he tried!
He see himself as a principled man, so he keeps arguing principles rather than preferences. But it’s impossible to sustain. Viz: Barr: Teachers are trying to control what our kids can think! Collins: It’s the GOP that’s banning books in schools. Barr: “Well, there has to be limits, right?”
And finally, see how angry he seems to get towards the end. In my [own, often] experience, people tend to get angry when they know they’re being accurately called out, and have no real defense. And he, like so many Americans today, really is driven by rage. Or a fear that presents as rage.
Kudos to Collins for doing as good a job as could be done on TV, and, I guess, to Barr for coming on CNN and answering the questions. Most won’t. But in the end, Barr had to both hide his true feelings — what he hates and fears and why — and at the same time completely reveal them.
Nobody can do the SKATE Like I do Nobody can do BOOGALOO Like I do Nobody can do PHILLY Like I do
That snippet looks remarkably similar to the transcript of my daughter’s response,after me telling her to eat her breakfast today.
At the end of the day I think he's just reading the tea leaves. Two years ago the tea leaves said Trump was toast and now the tea leaves say daddy Trump is the only game in town for him. Like any good slime mold he's navigating the DC maze to find his next meal.
But he doesn’t need a next meal. He’s wealthy, established, and essentially retired. He doesn’t need or I think want a job from Trump or anyone else. That’s why I thought he was so interesting.
Also, do not disrespect slime molds in my mentions. Slime molds are awesome.
Dream guest on WWDTM, by the way. Kelly is the coolest.
I wish you would post more slime mold news and gossip.
I agree that would be better for me personally and the world at large. Let’s hear it for the pnly multicellular organism that is neither plant, fungi or animal!
Official mark of approval:
Paradoxically, one of the few things that are not demeaned by calling it a slime mold is a slime mold.
If he doesn’t need…something…he wouldn’t go on TV. I leave it to the reader to decide what Bill Barr feels is lacking, but he definitely feels a void somewhere.
My guess is that while he doesn’t need and probably doesn’t want a new job in a future Trump administration he is worried about being attacked in some ways by a Trump controlled DoJ or IRS in retaliation for his earlier statements attacking Trump. So he’s trying his o make amends…