Jack Taylor

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Jack Taylor


Designer. Slacknician. Combustian enthusiast.
"Never trust a man in a blue trench coat
Never drive a car when you're dead..."
Too bad Biden is a decent dude. My first official acts would involve lining up 6 of the Supremes and the Orange Goblin against a wall at sunrise, then suspending the federal elections. For starters.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." - Aleister Crowley & Ordo SCOTUS
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Reposted byAvatar Jack Taylor
Reposted byAvatar Jack Taylor
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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BREAKING: The Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed the Tulsa Race Massacre case, in what was likely the final opportunity for survivors to receive justice
BREAKING: Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses Tulsa race massacre casewww.whatimreading.net In an 8 to 1 decision, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed the Tulsa Race Massacre case.
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Reposted byAvatar Jack Taylor
The charitable explanation is that this was cops who were too lazy to get a warrant. The uncharitable explanation was that they didn't get a warrant because this was a shakedown of the store owner, or the overtime scam where cops try to make a posession arrest at the end of their shift.
"When a cop tells you to do something, you fucking do it," one officer told the shopkeeper. Video shows members of a new mayoral NYPD task force rushing and arresting a shopkeeper for obstruction of justice after he asks to see a court order before letting them inspect the back of his store.
Video of NYPD Cannabis Raid and Arrest Raises Questions About Adams’ New Enforcement Offensivewww.thecity.nyc Cops seized less than a pound of weed, hauled a shopkeeper away in cuffs and ignited lawyers’ due process concerns.
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Reposted byAvatar Jack Taylor
The Texas GOP might recreate the old schemes that segregationist Democrats used to shut out urban voters & let white rural conservatives dominate politics. The Warren Court struck those schemes down, but the Roberts Court seems ready to roll the clock back. open.substack.com/pub/kevinmkr...
Coward of the Countyopen.substack.com I noted in my last post that the Republican Party is engaged in an anti-democratic campaign of minority rule, and the Texas GOP has helpfully provided yet another stark illustration of that fact. The ...
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I couldn't agree more with Cyndi Lauper & Laura Dern.
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If House Republicans can get the nation focused on Ivy League student protesters, Senate Democrats should be able to do the same with insurrection enabling judges
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I wrote a thing: "Donald Trump’s lawyers shit the bed — and then set it on fire" — defense witness Robert Costello is a fucking disaster. thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter so you never miss a post — bit.ly/4dMrXpb
Donald Trump’s lawyers shit the bed — and then set it on firebit.ly defense witness Robert Costello is a fucking disaster
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Ppl like this whine about how sensitive OTHER ppl are, but muttered "Why does there have to be a Black in every commercial these days" at dinner, got a withering look from their niece, and then spend the rest of their life building their entire identity around a single moment of vague disapproval.
Saw a grandpa pushing a pram with his daughter and granddaughter unironically wearing this t shirt at a family duck race thing at the river today. It might was well read "boo hoo, people think I'm an arsehole when I'm racist, sexist and homophobic, boo hoo hoo."
"so where is our worthless corporate-controlled media? ...New York Times, are you out there? Washington Post? Los Angeles Times? anyone? hello? crickets. fucking crickets." Today is a great day to cancel @nytimes.com and @washingtonpost.com
I wrote a thing: "oh gee, look who’s corrupt as fuck" — also: Donny whines at a fundraiser and Kristi shits the bed on Face the Nation. thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter so you never miss a post — bit.ly/3we9qBj
oh gee, look who’s corrupt as fuckbit.ly also: Donny whines at a fundraiser and Kristi shits the bed on Face the Nation
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An editorial decision has been made about the slant and direction of coverage and they’re going to defend and justify it any way they can. bsky.app/profile/toms...
It might be impossible to ask an executive editor of the New York Times to do any introspection but if you're so sworn to strictly objectively look at nothing but solid facts about the outside world why is an economy with rapid growth and generationally low unemployment "favorable to Trump"?
Today is a great day to cancel @nytimes.com
It might be impossible to ask an executive editor of the New York Times to do any introspection but if you're so sworn to strictly objectively look at nothing but solid facts about the outside world why is an economy with rapid growth and generationally low unemployment "favorable to Trump"?
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The reason why the arrests is professors get so much attention is that it strains credulity that they are violent or outside activists. Which in turn undermines the use of those tropes for students.
Cliff notes: Professor Pflugfelder taught at Columbia for 28 yrs. Was just trying to enjoy retirement & bingewatch Shogun. Got interrupted by police who he filmed from his own home/block. Arrested and jailed. One of the may “non students” the cops want us to believe were “outside agitators”
A Columbia professor wanted to document history. NYPD arrested him outside his homewww.usatoday.com The professor had just finished his last class to end a 28-year teaching career at Columbia University. Then police arrested him outside his home.
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I find it weird that newspapers characterize students as being “pro-Palestinian” as opposed to anti whatever you call this.
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This whole thing is funny until you reflect that it shows that cops are liars or morons or both and the media is their placid stenographers
NYPD dep. commish says he “found a book on terrorism” at Columbia. From the Oxford UP website, the book answers the questions, “What is terrorism? Is it war? Is democracy especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks? What can we do to stop it?” This is how you seed a genocide-justifying moral panic.
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Reposted byAvatar Jack Taylor
For years, the right wing justices have seen many things—union organizing, environmental regulations, voting rights—as harbingers of tyranny. But a legal theory that would lead to actual tyranny didn’t sound so bad to them. www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
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columbia university achieving the daring dream of a no-student no-faculty all administration university
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Reposted byAvatar Jack Taylor
I think this is the funniest thing I've every read in literally my whole life.
He still looks like someone pumped John Barrowman full of mayonnaise.
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With all the rumors going around about AG Sulzberger performing as a clown and making balloon animals at Chris Rufo's last birthday party, I hope that the NYT can find a reporter to find out the truth.
Look, I’ve heard the rumors too, but at this moment I cannot confirm that Chris Rufo made A.G. Sulzberger dress up like a ventriloquist dummy, ran his arm up the back of his little suit and made him say “I’m a bad widdle boy.” But I can’t disprove them either. I hope Sulzberger can address it all.
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I heard Chris Rufo made A.G. Sulzberger pick up his dry cleaning, and when he got to Rufo’s place, Rufo made him get down on all fours and “bark like a little doggy” and Sulzberger did as he was ordered. That’s what I heard anyway.
Rufo is posting dozens of tweets of the NPR CEO, the NYT makes it a story, and Rufo claims victory. They are not falling for his game, they are co-producing it
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When it comes to the foul smoothie of "law-n-order" rhetoric on the Right, I can't shake the comments of Bob Jones Jr. after the Kent State shootings, 1970: “those young people should have been shot; and the Country is better off without that kind of young person.”
Does any company still use a mainframe for computing?