
Spent the past five days stuck in bed, sick as fuck, barely able to move. Being sick is bad enough on its own, but its like my body isn't healing because of all the stress and anxiety I have stacked on. I feel so broken. Everything's piling up but I'm too sick to work.
i have a fever of 103, and have d that for days now i feel like everything in my body is brokenm
Brain feels like melting Eeerything in my body is on fire Fuck I may have to go the ER but I can't afford that.
Even an Urgent Care/ Minute Clinic would be able to help. It would be better than nothing. If it's been 5 days then you NEED medical attention.
Depending on what company the er/walk in clinic is, apply for financial aid if possible. I reapply every year and have not paid for a walk in clinic visit for years. Its worth a try.
I think a gofundme afterwards would help. this is kind of "brain boiling in its own juices" territory
Definitely go to the ER, this sounds quite serious and if it's not getting better you need someone to help. The bill be damned...
Oh shit, this looks really bad. I don't know how medicine works in your country, but this is a situation where medical services are necessary
I experienced 104+ myself a few years ago. I was living with my family at the time, and they were the ones who called me an ambulance. Hell, it wasn't just that I couldn't think straight, I blacked out regularly
Please take care of yourself. 🥺
Please take care of yourself, medical bills can be super scary but it sounds like this is pretty serious. Even just an instacare might be a good idea, and they might have payment aid options too if you need?
Please go see a doctor of some kind, this sounds rather extreme.
Are you able to get Medicare or medicaid? If so, please get it. It's something.
Take care of yourself, the bills can be dealt with later
I think you should get help asap
Please don't wait Neer that temp can cause permanent brain damage :< If I had any idea where you were I'd be kicking down your door and bringing you to the ER right now :<
i'll go to the er if I have to, but if I go, it'll ruin my finances fro the rest of my life i don't have insurance i'm still paying off my er trip forma ovverv stwo ytears ago. i barely have the money for food right now, klte alone a doctorr
We will all figure it out later god damit gogoggogogogogoggogogogoogo right now go I sware just go
At the very least get into a bath of cool water. Hopefully the fever is about to break but that's a very high temp
Yes but no you can do that if he had a bunch of people around to help but I don't think he was/is thinking clearly enough for that ER is where he needs to be
Hope you feel better, dude. Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll become this guy.
So sorry for you over there hugs I felt like this when I had COVID
Have you taken an anti-inflammatory, like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or some other NSAID? I'm pretty sure Doc Wolverine or another professional would tell you to go get some medical help immediately. I mean emergency departments would accept regardless of pay (I hope)
That's extremely worrying. Here's hoping that the fever breaks sooner rather than later.