
1/9 Fascists are not civil, but they demand that you be civil. Fascists crush up feelings of personal resentment and snort it in lines, like cocaine. Aggrievement is their drug.
2/9 The hallucinatory nature of feeling affronted means that they can commit any crime in self defense, but anything their enemies do in response to their crimes is a terrible offense against them. This paints them into a corner.
3/9 If the feeling of self-righteous peevishness ever dropped below a threshold level, they would have to confront how morally untenable their position is, so they keep having to up the dose of personal resentment, plunging headlong into a hallucinatory terrain that justifies…
4/9 …to them their impulse towards atrocity. They will cling to whoever tells them that they are morally justified in feeling this way, and they will applaud whoever commits crimes in their name. History shows us that only total defeat stops fascism.
5/9 Fascism cannot be bargained with. You cannot form a coalition with fascists. You cannot even sign a peace treaty with fascists without dismantling their fascism. Fascists understand this, and will always appeal to partial, inconsequential compromises when they are losing.
6/9 Good need not be polite to evil, although evil will insist that good be polite. And perfectly domesticated, suburban, law-abiding fascists will clutch their pearls at any disagreement they face, but especially if rules of civility are broken.
7/9 The fascist cannot see their own incivility as incivility because the fascist does not regard those they are uncivil to as their equals. Fascist violence does not register to the fascist as a matter of any concern whatsoever.
8/9 The only incivility the fascist has issue with is incivility in opposition to fascism. That is the fascist frame of reference, and it does a profound disservice to everyone to frame any discourse within the fascist frame of reference, sharing the hallucination of the fascist.
9/9 Fascists are on a bad trip they are trying to make a reality. Don't aid them.