Tikkun Olamunist - ירמל גרױס

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Tikkun Olamunist - ירמל גרױס


Author of the upcoming book, "How I'm Jewish".

לאָזט ייִדישקייט בלײַבן מאָדנע!
"Keep Judaism weird!"
מײַנע פּראָנאָמען זענען (ער/אים)
ווי אַזוי זאָגט מען "peek-a-boo" אַוף ייִדיש?
Grothendieck's idea that a fundamental group and a Galois group are the same thing never ceases to be mind blowing.
For this 4th, here's John Burt on the anguish of citizenship: "What we honor when we honor the Founders are the promises they could not keep, and we cannot keep either, but that we must keep, and must pass on to trouble our descendants in ways that have not yet occurred to us.”
I'm proud to be an algebraist, where at least I know I'm free.
1/ If I didn't have a day job, and I had sufficient funding to manage an open source project, I would turn Stafford Beer's ideas into open source software with the goal of creating a company (preferably a platform cooperative) ...
1/ It's not that there are too many programming languages. It's that there are too many "the one programming language you need to learn" programming languages.
Vinland Saga is very good, and it gives me hope that anime can tell Yiddish legends as well as Viking legends.
President Biden should announce that he's having surgery, and under the 25th Amendment, swear in VP Harris as acting POTUS during the recovery period. Then disappear for a week or two. Now you have two people in your camp with near-absolute immunity.
1/ If I had been the President of the USA for this Presidential term, the moment that I learned that the Supreme Court was considering altering the definition of Presidential immunity, I would have created a secret task force of advisors I trusted completely to explore the ramifications.
Did an AI generate the author's name?
Hey guys, I found the one, we can stop looking now
The Democratic Party has no good options because they opted to give the public no good options. This is a disaster of their own making and no one has a magic fix for the catastrophe they’ve created. That Trump could be so well positioned is an unthinkable failure of politics.
If you find a game on sale you're thinking of buying, but it has a bad business model, don't buy it. If the base game is $1.99 and you have to buy each character, or each world level separately, don't buy it. If you have to buy a season pass to get anything good out of the game, don't buy it.
The entire genre of dancehall (more or less) came about when a reggae producer repurposed a "rock" beat he accidentally discovered on a casio kid's toy keyboard. People recently discovered the long-anonymous Japanese woman who programmed the beat was in fact a huge reggae fan and scholar.
Okuda Hiroko: The Casio Employee Behind the “Sleng Teng” Riddim that Revolutionized Reggaewww.nippon.com The “Sleng Teng” riddim revolutionized reggae music in the mid-1980s, and has spawned hundreds of versions in the decades since then. Less well known is the story of how the distinctive bassline origi...
In the anime series Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, the protagonist is reincarnated into a fantasy world wearing a bear onesie and given magical bear-themed powers. Her costume has a bear puppet covering each hand, a white bear on the left hand and a black bear on the right, with which she can summon bears.
The New York Times is as much a broken has-been as Twitter.
If Biden had a sense of self-preservation, he'd treat the Federalist Society the way the FBI treated the Black Panthers.
tonight is the 100th yahrzeit of yaakov yisrael de haan, the queer haredi poet and political activist who was murdered in jerusalem by the haganah (the proto-idf) for his active opposition to the establishment of a jewish ethnostate in palestine. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_I...
Jacob Israël de Haan - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Crowdsourcing a math problem: Let's assume there are set maps f: A -> B and h: A -> C such that for any a1, a2 in A, f(a1) = f(a2) implies that h(a1) = h(a2). Does that force here to have to be a map g: B -> C such that h = g composed with f? If not, give a counterexample.
Does anyone have a good book recommendation for an intellectual history of Yugoslavia in the 1960s-1970s? Especially the Praxis Movement, left-wing neoliberalism (yes, that was a thing), and the creative scene around filmmakers like Dušan Makavejev?
1/ In the Talmud, the rabbis are discussing a mysterious disease called bulmos (which comes from the Greek word "boullimia", where we get the word bulimia from), that makes the patient suddenly ravenously hungry, and is life-threatening.
We already have the Cannabis Cup. Why not the Cannabis Olympics? I'd watch that over the mainstream Olympics.
Has anyone else read any of Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius novels and stories?
Fallout: New Vegas is on sale for $5 and Hollow Knight is $7.50 on Steam right now. Increase your gamer literacy and play these two great games.
If you are disappointed with how Senator Dick Durbin has handled Justice Thomas' corruption, Justice Alito's open insurrection, and how each of the other four conservative justices lied in their Senate Hearings, you can fax him for free to let him know how upset you are with him. Big, screechy fax.
FaxZero.comfaxzero.com Send a fax to anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for free.
I took a Google Cloud Platform training course before the current generative AI craze, and Google kept promoting its cloud as 100% carbon neutral. I'm guessing they can't say that anymore.
Google says its greenhouse gas emissions have surged 48% in the past five years due to the expansion of the data centers that underpin its AI efforts (Financial Times) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink