Tess Fowler Gutierrez

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Tess Fowler Gutierrez


Graphic memoirist, painter, cancer survivor.

Shops: Tessfowler.storenvy.com
Email: [email protected]
IG: tessfowler7
After much deliberation and discussion I've decided to go ahead and phase her out. I've got a good number of pieces of all sizes. Everything started will be finished and sold, except the ones @chrisgutierrez.bsky.social wants to keep of course. I hope you'll stay the course with me till the end. 💚
Question: Would you like to see me continue with my series of Death art? My feelings right now are that I'd like to at least finish/post what I've been working on thus far & phase her out. But what do you think?
Question: Would you like to see me continue with my series of Death art? My feelings right now are that I'd like to at least finish/post what I've been working on thus far & phase her out. But what do you think?
True facts.
I wish there was a way to demystify drawing for non-artists - there's nothing more to it that putting in the hours, learning technique, and most of all, just drawing a lot - I've always believed that anyone can learn how to draw if they're willing to make the time investment
Earth Girls Are Easy 😎
without saying independence day, fav jeff goldblum film?
Fell asleep just before 7pm and woke up at 4:30am to thunder rumbling and lightning flashing. I can't remember the last time I got so much sleep or woke up so excited. I think maybe I've been more stressed lately than I realized.
Been editing photos so I can finish my book (these are reference) and these made me laugh.
20 years ago working the Heavy Metal booth at SDCC (2004) 😆 Who let this maniac in the building?
Disaster narrowly averted. This one came without any kind of warning. I'm paranoid and on top of everything yet this almost ripped our boat apart. Sorry for freaking out there for a second. I'm gonna lay down for a minute and then get back to work. Holy crap.
The Space Soldier, or as Chris calls him: Space Soldier 2099 lol I can't pick my favorite detail. 💚
Last night I finished my return to my Metal Hurlant/HM roots. I'm going to do so many more like this one and I hope you'll be on board! Thanks for looking and sharing.
The Space Soldier, FINISHED!! I now present to you...my soul. 😎 This is me bleeding on paper. I hope it connects. I hope it resonates somehow. He is headed for the shop momentarily. Model: @chrisgutierrez.bsky.social Medium: mixed Size: 12×18"
One lesson I've learned over and over while working on this memoir (cancer/abuse) is that quite often, evil is not something grandiose or even premeditated. We all have the capacity for evil, even and especially in the throes of doing what we believe is right. Evil is most successful in the mundane.
The Space Soldier, FINISHED!! I now present to you...my soul. 😎 This is me bleeding on paper. I hope it connects. I hope it resonates somehow. He is headed for the shop momentarily. Model: @chrisgutierrez.bsky.social Medium: mixed Size: 12×18"
Last progress shots for the night. You're witnessing in real time my work take a hard left turn as I outgrow myself. As I heal, the art heals too.
Last progress shots for the night. You're witnessing in real time my work take a hard left turn as I outgrow myself. As I heal, the art heals too.
This piece has become so uncooperative. Lol But I love it.
Inks are 95% done! I'm loving how this is turning out. Going to have him up for sale in the shop when he's finished.
The Space Soldier inks are coming together!
The Space Soldier: refining details. This piece is a good example of what my process is often like. Also a good example of what me pushing out of my comfort zone looks like. :)
The Space Soldier: refining details. This piece is a good example of what my process is often like. Also a good example of what me pushing out of my comfort zone looks like. :)
Somebody left this on my private FB page yesterday, on the post where I said I was done engaging because I get too angry with the BS. Don't do this. Its ugly. I reposted so you know exactly why I don't want to engage anymore. WHY would I want to engage with THIS nonsense? Dont do this. PLEASE.
The Space Soldier details in the process of being inked.
I need a new documentary/docuseries to watch while I work. Something that I dont have to have eyes locked on the screen to understand. Thanks all!
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
The Space Soldier, in progress. Going outside my comfort zone for this one and I'm so happy with how its turning out!
The Space Soldier, color layering.
The Space Soldier, in progress...