
Nways the reason i think biden won the debate is because hearing trump talk again induces Memories and thats the first time a lot of people have heard him talk for a while and i suspect post debate polling will show bear this out
Normal people did not like having to think about that guy every day
"you remember waking up and reading the news and just being angry for like four years straight?"
yeah I loved triaging covid patients for limited testing before my lab shifts while that fucking dipshit conned my in laws into believing simone gold and ivermectin were the answer to a respiratory pandemic
yeah man my uncle died from covid because my crazy right wing aunt convinced him they didn't need to get vaxxed
yeah i’m really sorry it was so awful. my aunt ended up dying alone and we couldn’t have a proper funeral for her i have absolutely zero patience for antivaxers
he wasn't the closest uncle but man...infuriating at least I'll always have the burned copy of Warzone 2100 he gave me
it was really telling that my insanely right wing in laws just got vaccinated the following year cause their doctor said so
i think me calling covid correctly in like january 2020 is the only reason i got my fam vaxxed. bought me a lot of pandemic trust
“Don’t freak out, but take this seriously” was huge for my normie fam. Didn’t hurt I got press ganged into BARDA in March lol
just gotta bleach the lungs, easy