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they/them|floridaman|actual sicko|immortal demon|close calls georg|"trouble is their victim"

professional multi-classed rogue|illegal things are jokes or typos, please don't raid me
oh man the bad guys shot up the bees they are so FUCKED
not liking the flurry of activity followed by silence on the nhc site gotta crank those 25 hurricanes out, never gonna make quota at this rate
if i could get one of those oceans for under five grand...
ngl, kinda wanna put electric car parts in a dumpster like that now
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
I for one am glad the Cybertruck exists bc what other vehicle is out there providing nonstop hits like this
shocking how all the evidence from the first few days seemed to indicate that israel shelled their own people and this still appears to be the case; even though i thought MAYBE i woke up in bizarro world today
In what is certain to be a shock to everybody who has vociferously denied that the IOF used the Hannibal Directive on October 7, Haaretz reports that the IOF used the Hannibal Directive on October 7
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
There’s a nigh infinite number of books to be written about the early decades of the FDA. Every claim of “The market will fix it because consumers will demand clean/safe $ITEM” only works if: 1) The market provides such a thing, despite monopolies. 2) It actually is and not marketing bullshit.
WE remember the convenience pitches, but sanitation/hygiene/health pitches were VERY common at the time: Our Brand Won't Kill You Thanks to SCOTUS we'll find out empirically, again, which brands of food will kill us.
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
🌱🦋 Another female Monarch released today. She looks good and strong. Godspeed little one.
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
Hi all, this is my friend Omar from north Gaza. He's not on Bluesky, but I was hoping someone might show him some love. He has a gofundme but it's not for evac; he and his family just want to meet their daily living expenses and try to rebuild their destroyed home.
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
forget about doritos chips & victorian urchins, 1 double shift at a waffle house would destroy any billionaire
what does he mean by “work?”
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
i do this too, i get it
Pants likes to push her feet between the cushions sometimes when she naps.
idk, the drinks do help...
This, along with the “get knocked down, get back up” talk is so distressing. This is not a Chumbawuma song! It is the presidency!
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
The toddler just burst into spontaneous applause and cheered “YAY BEES!”
eventually it'd overtake the house and start hosting open houses for home flippers
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
☕😶 yes,, pro tip: context is important & we should critically question why we're expected to listen & support these people who are actively harming us,, people who are leaving us to be maimed & killed by the millions, literally #TheCivilityOfNormal #MetaGame #LiberationLit
You always know when liberals pull out the “don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good” argument that they’re talking about something that is so insanely awful that it is not only not perfect, but nowhere close to good.
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
Oh no. What if the Pope excommunicates Biden?
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
"Bro my girl is all oinked up like you wouldnt believe"
puppy girls are so last year, now it’s about piggie girls! I’m greased up rolling in mud, squealing and snorting on all fours 🐷
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
Challanged by the brilliant Here’s my interpretation of ‘Enoch’ from ‘Over the Garden Wall’. Colour version coming soon #illustration #artchallange #fanart #pencilart
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
Just decided to self-publish an essay on this topic that I wrote for Slate, but which they never ended up running:
The Jewish Pessimist — Abraham Josephine Riesman //
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
I know it’s cliche to point this out, but this is why Mandela was remarkable - not the teddy bear, billboard, inspirational version, but a guy who was a (justified!) violent nationalist revolutionary, who won, and then didn’t do mass violence. That’s pretty rare, and absolutely worth celebrating.
What I keep trying to emphasize to Palestine activists is that Zionism was once a national liberation movement for an oppressed people The problem isn’t that Zionism is Jewish, the problem is that it’s NATIONALIST Name me one nationalist militant group that won and DIDN’T curdle into brutality
it looks like something i built in Kerbal space program
here it is, your moment of cybertruck zen
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
tbf obama did this and then immediately abandoned following through, creating a generation of incredibly dejected activists
Drives me up the wall. They keep trying to squeeze the middle-classed lite conservative minority instead of aggressively going after the youth vote, which could yield dividends in many future elections
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
remember like 10ish years ago there were a bunch of stories about polling that showed young people were not committed to democracy? unfortunately, ignoring that issue entirely did not fix it.
Like it or not, the Democratic electoral strategy of “democracy is on the ballot” may not be successful because many Americans have already lived most of their lives in a marginalized majority without a functioning democracy. It is a slogan penned by a tone deaf and privileged political class.
Reposted byAvatar wednesday
The US commitment to punish Nazis ended once the Truman administration liked Nazi anti-Communists better than Communist anti-Nazis.