
Remember that story about the creeps on trial for stealing millions from a fund for hungry children who tried to bribe a juror with a bag containing $120k in cash? Lots more detail from their arraignment here, including that a woman was to be paid $150,000 to leave the bag with $120,000.
Five people charged with attempting to bribe Feeding Our Future juror  • Minnesota A federal grand jury Wednesday indicted five people for attempting to bribe a juror in the Feeding Our Future fraud trial, in a case that is likely to raise questions about juror security in high-prof...
Amusingly, it seems one of them was acquitted by the jury of the fraud but now faces bribery charges. Sucks to be you, pal.
Also they should make a movie. This scene would rule.
Even the name Andrew Luger sounds like it's right out of a movie