
There's a conversation going around again about "I don't want art about the pandemic" and I just have to say: Too bad because every artist I know is processing it.
I went to see Nosferatu once. There was discussion afterwards and I pointed out how much the influenza must have impacted everyone who worked on that film and people argued with me. "No in the movie it wasn't a REAL plague..." I know I just watched the same movie you did but IT'S CALLED A METAPHOR.
Being absolutely enraged at the aristocracy for flagrant disregard for life is in that movie too even though "WW1" isn't either, directly. The shit we're going through is in the art no matter what.
The watercolor in my banner: just a fun little thing. Fantasy art to go to a fantasy convention that I couldn't physically attend because my longcovid is terrible. The reflection in her cup is a different forest than the one in front of her. Because of magic, or cuz I wanted to be elsewhere? YES!
What fascinates me is unintentional commentary that results from a particular piece of media being made at a particular time and place. Not just things that are obvious in retrospect but that audiences of the time would have seen.