
Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One. He can't. What we have got to focus on is policy."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps....
Everything is correct except focusing on policy. Focus needs to be on the danger this SCOTUS and Project 2025 and Trump represent.
But it doesn’t matter that our candidate is permanently and fatally flawed? This campaign is starting to look more like ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’.
2/3 of Democratic voters don't want him to drop out; how do you think disenfranchising them will play? Many states have already had their conventions and designated their delegates. Heritage Foundation already plans to tie the party up in litigation and drain resources to prevent replacing Biden.
Wow, the heritage foundation sure wants to scare us into keeping Biden as our nominee. I wonder why that is?
No, they want to tie us in knots and drain resources (Trump campaign and PACs are comparatively low on cash because he grifts all the donations for personal use). They don't think they'll succeed in most of the litigation. It's behind a paywall, so just paying a screenshot.
No. If they really wanted to drain resources they’d be quiet until Biden dropped out and the implement their frivolous lawsuits. Trump wants Biden to be our nominee. It’s easy to see why.
Yes. When your opponents favorability rating is in the 20’s and you are polling ahead and pulling away with it, why would you ever wish the opposition to change candidates? They will say anything to keep Joe on the ticket.
If Biden drops out, we can run whoever the fuck we want. Don’t get wrapped up in Alt-Right threats. Kamala would destroy Trump. Young, Non-White, Women, Independent and concerned Democrat voters that would otherwise have not voted or (gasp) voted for Trump would come back. It’s about Turnout!
If Joe drops out, *we* don't have any say in who runs in his place. It's superdelegates (senior party leadership) and delegates choosing. And would need to happen before August 7 to be on Ohio's ballot.
Personally I don’t care if we have any ‘say’. It should be Kamala without question, and she has already been elected, with Joe, previously, so she is completely electable. As for no.2, let the party choose a strong candidate, I say Beshear. No democrat will withhold a vote for Kamala and any no. 2
You don't care. And I'll crawl over broken glass to vote for a sack of rabid raccoons if it comes to that, but there will be a terrible and damaging public fight to get Kamala (or whoever). And it still doesn't solve the problem of how she gets ballot access or a war chest.
War chest is hers. She is already on ticket. #KamalasGotThis
Yeah, they do, and of course Dems are hair on fire believing every word.