Supine Jennings

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Supine Jennings

*Currently in Rant-mode: #PassTheTorchJoe
He/Him, 54, white, hetero, married, contractor & father of three humans (1 =🏳️‍🌈), three cats and two devil dogs.
Virginia native in NE, FL.
Superpower: Libra Intuition
Kryptonite: Cookies, Drugs
‘Just a little further, Joe’ the Republicans cheer
#DNC #BidenCampaign Please show me where we have the cushion to lose young, Independent & minority voters? (Also add North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and maybe even Virginia to the mix) Fuck! We are going to get outr clocks cleaned if we don’t put up a viable candidate #KamalasGotThis
For as harsh a reality it is, and as harsh as I criticize, in the end, JC is right. #SpreadLove
I don’t know who this company thinks we invite to our pool, but, NO!
It is kind of like ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’, except, in the movie they didn’t hesitate to bring him out in public. #PassTheTorchJoe #KamalasGotThis Kamala would increase: Youth, Women, Non-White, independent, Law & Order voters and bring back D’s whose only concern was age/viability for 4 more years
I don’t want the ‘October Surprise’ to be the remaining 3 in 10 voters realizing Biden is not a viable option for four more years in office. -or- Gods forbid a terrorist attack that Biden is then blamed for,and railed on, for being ‘asleep at the wheel’- which no one could ever 100% refute.
7in 10 Democrats don’t feel he is up to the job for another 4 years. Biden may not believe it, or the other polling (which is indicative of perhaps even more concerns), but in running against the WORST Human on Earth, he is trailing, and it’s getting worse by the day.
Ok, #BidenCampaign #DNC, let’s have a live debate this week. Trump said he would do another debate ‘anywhere any time’, so take him up on it. If Biden is coherent and not affected, and without further prep, he should be able to hold his own, right? #ShowUs #KamalaCouldDoIt #PassTheTorchJoe
This Election is a Wet-Dream for Democrats. DJT is fucking crazier than ever, a felon, a rapist, and is surrounded by alt-right Christian fascists frothing-at-the-mouth to overthrow the principles our country was founded upon. -but- Dems won’t run a viable candidate, and will lose, undoubtedly
…I don’t know, Joe is giving them a run for their money.
#MyFloridaFreeForAll Short trip in kids car, put on FM station from Daytona Beach. Advertisement for “Florida’s only Recreational Marijuana Store” in Flagler Beach. “Flower, oils, ….. No medical card needed”. -We don’t have ‘Recreational Marijuana’ (yet) here in Florida. 😳
Biden says he will take a cognitive test if he can have the questions ahead of time. - Kidding, but having scripted ‘unscripted’ radio interviews is appalling and only lying to voters and to Joe. #PassTheTorchJoe
Next from Joe, ‘Turns out I’ve been Lied To! People around me told me I was fine. That’s Malarkey!! I barely have the capacities to serve out my term, much less survive another one’. …well, maybe not, but he HAS been lied to about his capacity to serve and his electability. #PassTheTorchJoe❤️
Wife and I discussing politics, agreed to use a different term and stop saying ‘Biden should pull out’.
Damn right we are going to need Kamala at the top of the ticket, especially when Donald announces Nikki Haley as his running mate. #PassTheTorchJoe #KamalasGotThis
Joe, the longer YOU wait to #PassTheTorch, the more damage to the Party you are causing. If you are truly concerned with your Legacy, then save America and let Kamala take us into a new era, while we are still willing to applaud your accomplishments. ❤️🇺🇸❤️
Wife not so thrilled that I flashed the anti-vampire cross on my chest and yelled ‘Just say no to Nazis’ at people getting out of the Black Cybertruck one lane over at Costco. Coincidentially I’m wearing my US Capitol shirt. #CallOutFascism #ShameSupportersOfFascism
Hoping the Lord Almighty knows that Joe is unavailable after 8pm.
“You did your best Grandpa, but it’s time to get back in the bunker”.
The irony of the ‘Lord Almighty’ being the only one whose advice Joe will heed regarding whether he is too affected by old age to run, is not lost on me.
The Lord Almighty telling Joe…
57% of Democrats report wanting to change our candidate. I feel quite sure that nearly 100% of Democrats will vote for a NEW candidate. Add back Independent, Women, Young, and Non-White voters that will be energized should Kamala become the candidate (as she deserves) and we can CRUSH Fascism.
Lord Almighty telling it to Biden
#JoeBiden, we really want to applaud you FOR your lifetime of service, not BECAUSE you finally agreed to get out of it.
“It’s Over. Get The Fuck Out, Joe” #PassTheTorchJoe while we are still applauding your service to America.
That #ABC interview was worse than the debate because now we know how out of touch Joe really is. Out of touch with polling, himself, and the impacts of his staying in just to lose.