kate conger

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kate conger


tech reporter for the NYT! co-author of CHARACTER LIMIT!!

please pre-order our book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/737290/character-limit-by-kate-conger-and-ryan-mac/
ok curious what my technical folks here think of this. I think my coworker who led this piece is a gorgeous writer and amazing at translating to a lay audience. but I’m getting pushback about it not being technical enough. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/20/t...
When Tech Fails, It Is Usually With a Whimper Instead of a Bangwww.nytimes.com While in some corners of Silicon Valley people worry about the risks of A.I., a simple failed software update caused a worldwide outage.
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Here’s how a faulty software update sent computers crashing around the world on Friday. See our visual explanation for how the CrowdStrike outage happened.
How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the Worldwww.nytimes.com Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.
yall keep asking me if I photoshop stuff I post on here and the answer is still no
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If you're a journalist who used AT&T between May 1-October 31, 2022, you're going to want to revisit your call and text history from that time and see which of your sources you were communicating with. These records have been improperly secured by AT&T. www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2...
How to know if you were affected by the AT&T data breach and what to do nextwww.usatoday.com AT&T said Friday the call and text message records of nearly all of its cellular customers were exposed in a data breach. Here's what we know.
just the essentials 💅🏼
very chill stuff, very chill stuff indeed www.nytimes.com/2024/07/11/t...
this mf did not contribute any value to the shareholders today
hello i'm disorganized as hell but I have a book coming out this fall and if organized folks want to add me to their panels at XOXO or Litquake so I can blab about it, that would be extremely kind! tysm
hello I am making plans for Ryan's and my BOOK TOUR! if you're a local of Austin or Seattle, please send venue suggestions. also if you're a local of another place, should we go there?
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"Material the subcommittee obtained under subpoena or in closed-door hearings ended up in the hands of a right-wing group that had sued us, which was led by Mr. Jordan’s longtime ideological ally Stephen Miller." www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/o...
Opinion | What Happened to Stanford Spells Trouble for the Electionwww.nytimes.com Universities that cataloged election lies and disinformation are being targeted with the same tactics they sought to uncover.
having a “wahhh my tummy hurts” kind of day and NO I will not be acknowledging the 20 coconut shrimp I ate yesterday that has nothing to do with this
petition for the NYT data team to activate The Needle for the Tesla shareholder vote
another day of being unbearably cute
I do a lot of critical reporting about Elon but you gotta hand it to him on the extremely chaotic innovation of professional affiliation badges, which let your bosses rip the corporate logo off your Twitter account before you ever get around to updating your bio
taking in the scene at David Sacks’s Trump fundraiser and these SFPD officers just posed for a photo in front of Trump supporters, asking them to raise their flags
folks what are we doing about our TMJ my whole jaw and neck is a mess
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I appreciate that even the commanding heights of wall street must struggle to contain essentially a charismatic poster. www.wsj.com/finance/regu...
I have a tummy ache and am being so brave about it
this is probably obvious to Stock Market Knowers, but was interesting to me. I was chatting with @annmlipton.bsky.social about why Elon is working so hard on X to whip the shareholder vote for his Tesla pay, and she noted that Tesla has a lot of retail investors who love him but don't typically vote
dog sat this charming pup for a week! she rolled in goose poop and then fled when I tried to clean her up but otherwise very good girl