
On one hand this is cool, on the other hand are they gonna make Zyrtec $800/bottle now or make it illegal because I still need it for the one week a year some tree goes bananas
post is deleted but i know exactly what you’re talking about lol i get mine for $13 for a years supply online and i’m tempted to just go buy like, a decade’s worth
Frfr anytime anything helpful comes out I'm like oh god how are they gonna use this against us or just make it illegal - I should look online for it tho I had just been buying it kind of episodically
I buy 365 days supply but I missed the deleted post so now I may be frightened into hoarding with no context.
Basically they did a study and found out that it's helpful for warding off covid - Claritin also
Well that is helpful but it didn't keep me from getting it. Maybe it prevented me from getting it multiple times though.
Yeah from what I read it seems like they have figured out the mechanism by which it works but the doses of like Zyrtec may not be standard and there's more work to do to see how you could make the warding off reaction more consistent seems to be in a similar genre as those mouthwash studies