legal cat 🐾

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legal cat 🐾

researcher — wrongful convictions and faulty forensics. neuroconforming less each day. into my plants, vhs, kicking it with my kid, and US politics. questionable music taste. new england coded. she/her. if you know me irl, no you don’t.
Boston Commons on the 4th today (from r/boston)
I was 20 and my college boyfriend came to visit. My mom made him sleep on the couch. I fell asleep watching a movie next to him. She came out at 3 am, ripped the blanket off us, and accused us of fucking right then and there, despite being clothed. Embarrassing and didn’t teach me responsibility.
This seems like a sweet story about a teen couple using a PowerPoint presentation to persuade their parents to let them have a (no sex!) sleepover. But it also says a lot about how our culture of fear around teens and sex helped erode the US safety net. 1/
Teen Couple Ask Parents' Permission To Have A Sleepover With Endearing The couple had just turned 18 years old and gave a pretty compelling argument as to why they could be trusted to have a sleepover.
my cats have been amazing nurses, though, much better than the hospital’s following me to the bathroom and peeking at my puke with wide eyes straight back to sleep at my side when i’m quiet again
it’s been horrifically unpleasant but i’m (barely) living proof that you can lose ten pounds in four days if stress destroys your body enough
chronically online girlfriend is forced offline due to illness; makes that boyfriend’s problem. more at 11.
Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾
going on hour four at the local emergency room which has brought questions such as “what is an insulin pump?” and “you wear it all day? did you let it give you your dose yet today, then?”
so my doctor put me on a secondary insulin to help with my type 1 diabetes and i’m sooo sick like just take me to my grave pls i haven’t eaten in almost 48 hours and she’s like “ok yep not great, hopefully that passes” bc it’s a once weekly injectable lmao
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Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾
so my doctor put me on a secondary insulin to help with my type 1 diabetes and i’m sooo sick like just take me to my grave pls i haven’t eaten in almost 48 hours and she’s like “ok yep not great, hopefully that passes” bc it’s a once weekly injectable lmao
Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾
Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾
“Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awards. The host of this year's BET Awards warned viewers on multiple occasions about the far-right plan to dismantle and remake the government in Trump's image.”
Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET The draconian plan supported by conservative groups to dismantle the government if Donald Trump is elected was the talk of the Black Entertainment Television Awards.
Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾
For the same reason handlers of search & rescue dogs occasionally have volunteers put themselves in a position to be "found" alive in a grim disaster scene -- to keep up morale so that these dogs keep working -- I give you this screen shot from the BOP showing the current location of Steve Bannon.
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Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch in today's orders list saying the Occupational Health and Safety Administration is unconstitutional in its entirety
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did anyone catch the protest-bashing line in gorsuch's homelessness decision? "It makes no difference whether the defendant is a person experiencing homelessness, on vacation, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building"
hey guardian, what the fuck are you doing
the panic in my one intern’s eyes as she realized the other intern overslept and now we were trapped attempting smalltalk over zoom same, girl.
apartment gossip blew in that the missing ceiling is the work of our current landlord’s ex husband, who she won the house from in spite after he cheated on her (real ted lasso situation here). he apparently got drunk and ripped it out “for the rustic look.”
ok but hearing gossip from the one neighbor she trusts (who also hates her) that the fire department lit her up for violations including an apartment that doesn’t have a ceiling. it’s just the top apartment’s floor. bb this place is getting condemned, mark my words.
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General PSA: If abusers didn't understand how to be genuinely friendly and how to cultivate allies, THEY WOULDN'T BE DANGEROUS. There is NO SHAME in being misled by an abuser, or being friends with someone you don't know is abusive. The only shame is in enabling them once you know better!
a daily pride parade ending at the alito’s that with eight people each wearing one brightly colored letter spelling out VERGOGNA in rainbow but the V is a giant fabulously textured vagina confetti canons explode spewing tiny penises all over the lawn i’m just creatively seething at this point
Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾
What can you do now? Read "On Tyranny," especially the first bit: "Do not comply in advance." If you belong to any organized social group of any kind, ask everyone "do you have a voting plan for November? Can you ask 3 people to make a voting plan?" Counter "my vote doesn't matter" talk.
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Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
feels like we fought really hard to get out from under one king and oopsie! nine kings
ok but hearing gossip from the one neighbor she trusts (who also hates her) that the fire department lit her up for violations including an apartment that doesn’t have a ceiling. it’s just the top apartment’s floor. bb this place is getting condemned, mark my words.
the monday from hell hat trick - surprise landlord visit - scotus says presidents are kings - execution date set in wrongful conviction case we’re working on feeeeliiiin’ kiiiiinda staaaabbyyyy
Karen Read trial ends with a divided jury and mistrial - best you can hope for with a judge ruling against the defense at every turn and shoddy, non-linear evidence from the prosecution on a cop killer case.
Watch Live: Karen Read murder trial ends in mistrial with "starkly divided" hung The Karen Read murder trial ended Monday after a "starkly divided" hung jury failed to reach a verdict, forcing Judge Beverly Cannone to declare a mistrial.
my coworkers refuse to work and therefore, so do i
Reposted byAvatar legal cat 🐾