
Whaaaaaaat??? This is mad!
I came to the idea independently but I love that there's a long history of AdMech looking at GS/tyranid biology and thinking "That looks useful! What could go wrong?"
Your book really made me root for the poor Genestealers, EVEN IF I knew the background lore for the faction and their tragic endgame. Really drove home the point that we all know to be true: the Imperium truly is its own worst enemy.
Well, it's a struggle between, on the one hand, a hideous exploitative monster that exists only to perpetuate itself through devouring human lives, and on the other hand the Genestealer Cults...
It also notably seems to be the only instance of GSC fluff in which the GSC isn't "we won and got what we wanted oh no this is terrible and not at all what we expected, if only we had forseen the consequences." Since they've always leaned hard on GSC being kind of labor that's always felt _off_.
Everyone gets to be an angel. Part of an angel. Biomass that is at least contributing to an angel. And it's 100% as meaningful as slaving for and being experimented on by the AdMech. More so, because the AdMech (for all I kind of love them) are incapable of really making progress.
I have become aware of this book today,.so I shall be adding it to my reading list! ☺️