Tari Too

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Tari Too


Would rather be at home painting Nids.

Model painter, cardboard enthusiast, D&D, music listener, AEW fan, nerd, natural disaster. She/Her

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We need more signatures on this, please sign and RT it when you get a sec.
Labour members have opened a petition to Wes Streeting. Anyone can sign it. "We, the undersigned, are calling on you to immediately withdraw your support for the ban on puberty blockers for trans young people." actionnetwork.org/pe... #transgender #LGBTQ #LGBT #Labour #trans
Kind of want to watch Bojack Horseman again but not sure if I can take the emotional damage. 😂
Ok, that's this now? How does it tie in to the new rulebook? Do you need both? GW continues to over complicate Necromunda.
I'll be honest, I thought there'd be more terrain in the box. Will be interesting to see the price on this.
Wooo! Finally getting Necromunda next week!
This is not going according to plan. 😬
Only problem with magnetising a Contemptor Dreadnought is its 15000 weapon options.
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I'm trying to combine a lightning effect with nmm on the same blade. Definitely needs more work. 🤔 #nmm #minipainting
Only problem with magnetising a Contemptor Dreadnought is its 15000 weapon options.
Cats with the zoomies are the best. I have a very tiny furry tornado in my house right now. 😂
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I might actually finish all these Bretonnians before the end of the year. I do all the decals, flocking and tufts at the end rather than individually(In case you were wondering) #WarhammerCommunity #OldWorld #TOW #PaintingWarhammer #Bretonnia
For as long as I live I will never understand why my slow cooker goes: Off > High > Low > Medium. In that order.
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Keeper of the Blade. Thousand Sons Daemon Prince and aspect of the Crimson King. I don't think I've posted a picture of her singly and finished yet.
Are there more eyes in the world, or are there more legs?
I'm a bit late but.... Wooo! Go foot balls!!
Just once in Star Wars Acolyte I'm going to need Manny Jacinto to throw a molotov cocktail.
I hate it when I'm making tea for someone and they ask for sugar in it. It just always feels so wrong to foul a good cup of tea by putting sugar in it. 😞
Whaaaaaaat??? This is mad!
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If you're in the UK and you're in a dark place and need to speak to someone. Give the below number a call. Don't suffer in silence. You matter.
Bored of back pain now. Just wish it would go away, thanks.
The Inside Out characters inside my head. Narf!!
The Inside Out characters in my head
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So to confirm, now we have near-final numbers: Every time 19 Tory MPs get a bit grumpy this parliament and stick their letters into the 1922 Committee... ...it'll automatically trigger a leadership contest.
Worth remembering, for the next five years, that the Tory party rules ASSUME they'll have a large number of sitting MPs. e.g. to automatically start a leadership context only 15% of tory MPs have to put in letters. 15% of 130ish seats is... not a lot.
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Feels like forever since I finished a model >,> Metal definitely feel like a little bit of a rush job tbh #WarhammerCommunity #OldWorld #TOW #PaintingWarhammer #Bretonnia
Did some democracy today. Felt good. Even tho who I voted for has next to zero chance of winning*, gotta do what I feel is right. *That doesn't mean any shade of blue...
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Well here's to mostly disguising my mistakes! Hydra Dominatus, Comrades! 1/2 #AlphaLegion #40k #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #nerdlings
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If you knew of Ryse "Chickpaints" on Instagram, Twitch or Twitter. Please consider giving this a read, and maybe donate or share if you can. gofund.me/933ea5cd Her family are unable to pay for a funeral after her 7ntimely death they have only recently been notified of. Thank you
Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet, organised by Gavin Cliffegofund.me Hi, my name is Gavin and I'm trying to raise some funds on behalf of… Gavin Cliffe needs your support for Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet
Apparently I feature on a list called Not P*rn. With the description to "Block these accounts if you only want to see p*rn" Thanks? I guess. Do people come here just for that? Is this really the best place for that? 😂