
who else had the world book encyclopedia (we had the off-white fake leather cover ones) and the time life series with the cold blooded dinosaurs who else had these treasures
I’m going to have to find an old set of World Book Encyclopedias
I had the dinosaur series. My Baptist grandmother told me, "they make up those things just to sell those books." 😸
My great-grandma said dinosaur bones were put on the earth by the Devil in order to lead Christians astray. I was very into dinosaurs as a kid and was always so mad that I couldn't bring my dino toys or books to her house when we'd visit.
We had one mean old lady at the church who would do on about dinosaurs being the devil's fakery, and it made me so ANGRY, that even though I knew too well to let myself say anything, every time I had to be near her, I'd get out my paper and draw dinosaurs like a madman.
(I should probably specify that this was back when I was like seven)
You are never too old nor young to frenetically draw spite dinosaurs. Spitosaurs, if you will.