Charlotte Strawbridge

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Charlotte Strawbridge

#Artist based in #Scotland • #Painter oils of nature, wildlife, light • #Writer #WhenBeastsSpoke stories and thoughts inspired by animals I paint, trying to listen to what they’d like to teach us.
Coo was a curious one. Some would say a little too much. She thought curiosity was a good thing. Sure, she liked knowing what was going on around her, she loved a bit of a nosey, but she was also curious about herself; eager to learn and full of hope. What a wonderful way to be.
Seal looked forward to every single day. Even if it was a fleeting moment, or hard to see at first, something always filled her with joy. Going on an adventure, feeling a tingle of sea air on her whiskers, sunbathing or just bobbing in the water; there was always joy to be found. #WhenBeastsSpoke
Squirrel loved exploring and experiencing all the world had to offer. He seemed like such a fearless little explorer, climbing higher and higher in his tree. In fact, he was pretty scared most the time. He just knew if you wanted the best views, you had to do the scary climbs.
“Oh dear,” said Donkey’s friend in a panic. “I think I’m a bit behind this morning. What’s the time?” “It’s Now,” said Donkey. “You’re not behind at all, you’re exactly where you are. Perfect timing.” #WhenBeastsSpoke
Cat was nervous being left alone. When nobody was around to be with her she felt a little scared and a little low. She found a space by the window to watch a tree sway in the wind. If that lone tree could dance on its own, she thought, and still be strong, she knew she could too. #WhenBeastsSpoke
✨🤩My biggest sale ever🤭✨ 50% off selected prints! (Limited stock) All orders are packaged and posted worldwide with oodles of love and gratitude... Please take a peek at my website, retweet my sale, and shout it from the rooftops! 😊🙏
Otter loved nothing more than getting tangled up in kelp. He'd play for hours, sliding around in greens and yellows, squishing about in reds. It gave him such joy. 'That's it. You don't need more.' he thought, 'Find what gives you joy and thoroughly enjoy it whenever you can.'
Fox sometimes felt like she knew nothing about anything. The more she learnt about the world, the more she realised she'd never really solve things, fix things or understand things fully. She'd probably never even understand herself. She could accept things though. That would do.
“Sometimes,” thought Owl,“taking one more breath is all there is, and it’s enough. The moon rests in the sky as she waits for night. Trees stand still, ready to be the shade. And we just have to take one breath, then another, then another after that.” You are enough. Just breathe. #WhenBeastsSpoke
Badger had been optimistic about a new year and all the things he would achieve. January had come and he wasn't feeling at all motivated. He was upset with himself for not being better. Then he remembered he was doing his best. There was no rush. He went for a walk and smiled.
As she flew, Crow found it hard to see the way sometimes. She couldn’t help but worry, but she always reminded herself she’d find her way eventually. She knew she just had to go as far as she could see, then, when she got there, she’d be able to see further.
Badger felt something in the air today. Something special. He had crunched through the morning frost, admiring the snowdrops breaking through the cold, listening to the ice thaw and breathing in the fresh winter sky. That was it... the something special. A new day had arrived.
Spent new year’s day beach-combing and contemplating how fabulous the natural word is… colour combinations, composition, patterns and textures we would never dream up if it wasn’t there to inspire us 🙏🤍
Coo was spending this year’s Hogmanay with her pals. They were planning on finishing the year playing Scrabble and munching on party food. It was going to be a belter. #HaudHogmanay #Hogmanay #HappyNewYear  #HappyHogmanay #bringon2024 Happy new year 🥳
When Fox slept she got lost in her dreams. Utterly, completely and beautifully lost in magic and wonder. She had started to realise it was pretty much the same when she woke. If she paid attention, she could always be utterly, completely and beautifully lost in magic and wonder✨ #WhenBeastsSpoke
🎁✨15% Off Everything✨🎁 Hope you've had a lovely Christmas! I will be eating leftovers in my PJs all day. You? For anyone doing some shopping from small businesses, here's 15% off my art just for today! (will be posted in January) ' BoxingDay15 '
❄️🤍Merry Christmas from Fox, Badger, Hedgehog, Tawny, Me and the Deer!🤍❄️ Hope you all have a lovely winter holiday, eat far too much, lie in everyday and find time to sit in a woodland and stare at the moon xxx
At this time of year, there was such a big pressure to be sociable. Honestly, Robin liked being alone sometimes. He wasn’t being rude, he didn’t want coaxing out, and there was no need to worry about him. He really just fancied a bit of ‘me time’ amongst the hustle and bustle. #WhenBeastSpoke
Fox closed her eyes, felt the cold on her face. She smiled at the darkness, lost in winter's brace. Solstice had come, the promise of more light. Nature's cycle was done by end of this night. She wished all souls love with the return of the sun, and #SolsticeBlessings for everyone.
Hare sat with herself each day before the dew dried, when the sun was still soft and the birds were still singing their first song. She sat in delighted solitude, breathing in the world. It was her time to listen to the whispers in her head and turn them into dreams. #WomensArt #WildlifeArt #Art
It had been a hard few days and Bear hadn't done half the things he had planned to do. He decide to take a short pause and a deep breath. He realised he had actually done enough, and the short pause turned into a long one. 'It can wait,' he thought.
Hare found herself lost in the enchantment of her favourite things; meadow gold, crispy seeds, gentle barley fields. She often found time just to sit and to be. After all, nothing was more important than being, and nothing more enchanting than being with your favourite things. ✨
In the heart of the forest, in the deep of night, the silence of snow and hushed sounds of woodland creatures was all that could be heard. Winter's Moon shared her light with Fox, painting his world in shades of silver and blue. He was forever grateful for moments like these. #WhenBeastsSpoke
I’ve added some more of my recent original oil paintings to my website! I’m really excited to share these, I’ve loved painting them. Hope you like them too☺️💛 ✨These little animals, and a few more, are all looking for their new homes ✨ For a closer look: #WildlifeArt
Just wanted to share my favourite thing about this winter so far… my wreath 💛 The prettiest wreath that ever there was! Love it so much.
Coo was a Monday kinda gal. She felt so motivated by waking up to a new week, and the promise of things to come. She told anyone who'd listen, and was surprised they didn't always share her optimism...she couldn't be sure, but she thought they were actually a little annoyed by it. #WhenBeastsSpoke
There's nothing better than a blank slate. To Hare, that blank slate was a field of freshly settled snow. Pure bliss. It represented new beginnings, new dreams, and had all the potential of a blank canvas. So inviting. She also just really enjoyed making the first paw prints. #WhenBeastsSpoke
Robin was visiting a friend today. No big plans, more of an impromtu thing, tagging along for an adventure as his friend pottered in the garden. That's the thing about 'tagging along' - you never knew what might come up. He did secretly hope there would be a worm or two though. #WhenBeastsSpoke
Anybody have any recommendations for good art accounts on here? Individual artists or people who share art… Hoping to discover some new artists to follow - wildlife/nature artists, contemporary landscape artists, or generally-lovely-art artists! #Art #Artists