
There is some real shit going on in the world right now and normal awful shit going on in people's personal lives. The only way I'm not feeling hopeless and completely overwhelmed is by focusing on one or two things at a time I can control. Make yourself breakfast. Walk a dog. Call a representative.
I learned during the pandemic that capitalism does not give a shit about your reasonable concerns to political chaos, hate crimes, and many people dying. The bills still arrive, rent still needs to be paid, work still needs to be done. Be kind to yourself. One thing at a time.
Not taking care of yourself and your professional responsibilities for the sake of "trying to be informed" hurts *you* the most under capitalism. Keep drinking water, eating high-protein meals, not staying up late as well as checking in about top work priorities and action items. And call your reps.
Avatar I'm a hopeless booster of my brother but I found his words here helpful.
Thank you for these reminders. Between dealing with ongoing grief over the death of my beloved partner, and my panic and rage over what's happening in the country, I've been feeling like I'm losing it. Focusing on work and other everyday stuff is crucial.
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Ummm, we are all actually in the k-hive now and it's great. There is no reason we can't do joyful work and get the outcome we want. I think there is an untapped spark of ridiculous enthusiasm just itching to erupt. I was completely doomed two days ago. Today I'm ready to do everything I can.