
You know how I help ensure religious freedom? By not practicing any of them. Because when your invisible friend and my invisible friend, come to blows, the only casualties are reason and tolerance. I am proud to be an atheist, and every day I am prouder. Tax the Churches.
Churches don't have to be accessible. That's a voting rights In 2024, millions of Americans will vote at ADA-exempt religious sites. What if youโ€™re disabled?
My friend and I are Panthiests. We believe in nature and science. โœŒ๏ธโ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š
Thatโ€™s wonderful. For fifteen years I wore this pendant including all the major paths. I would tell people it meant I believed in all of it and none of it. With Christianity= MAGA, I simply cannot celebrate religion. A-Theist does not mean that I know anything except all these are wrong.