
Frustrating to see calls for Biden to step down being reframed as “it’s just the media class.” Are pundits and news execs seizing on this moment to get clicks and flex their idea of power? Yes. But they’re also seizing on it because a lot of different kinds of folks think Biden should retire.
I understand the frustration, but if the party was going to change horses, the time to switch to Kamala was after the ‘22 midterms. Trying swap Biden out now (and skip over Kamala Harris) makes Dems look chaotic (and not much less racist than some in the GOP).
The Dems ARE chaotic. I don’t really care anymore. He’s gonna do what he’s gonna do and nothing we do or say matters. Because we aren’t free, just fucked. It’s all good.
Them reminding us of their chaos is bad, is the point. Them reminding us they’re racist too is bad. These are the exact things can depress voter turnout in a way that could turn out to be self-fulfilling with regard to black folks, brown folks, LGBT folks, etc being f*ck*d, as you’ve said.
It’s just, fuck man, I’m still supposed to break my back to save racists from themselves to spare myself from the other racists? And get spit on while doing it? Cool cool cool. Love the democratic process.
We are giving ourselves a chance to keep things from getting worse for ourselves and the people that matter to us.
I’m really going to have to sit with this point rather than reply. I’m too angry right now.
That man looked voters in the eye and all but said “I’ll keep funding the murder of brown people over there no matter what y’all say or do.” We aren’t giving ourselves shit.
that's exactly how we see it when we're outside viewing the us. fucking sick of the shit.