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Lifelong Marylander (Montgomery County), 2x Terps alum (comp sci undergrad + MBA), dad of twins.
The claim that Biden “lost” the race because of a bad debate is still searching for evidence. The way such a claim has shaped news coverage monolithically is pointing at deeper, more structural flaws in the industry.
The New York Times is back on Threads. We’re not getting rid of them that easily. They still have another Trump presidency to create.
If you think the Heritage Foundation wants Biden to stay in because they think he’ll lose, you’re missing the point. If he tries to drop out, it will be playing right into their hands. The right will take that golden opportunity to turn the election into even more of a gigantic shitshow.
Unironically put this post on ads in swing states
there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us
And of course a huge piece of Costner's bankability that allowed him to make those was from ROBIN HOOD PRINCE OF THIEVES which sucks and has to be the least remembered movie in my lifetime to be the #2 movie in the domestic box office for a year
ACAB. The penguins are innocent.
Important penguin news
have you all heard of THE RADIUM GIRLS? if you haven’t, go look that up because any post i try to do won’t be enough and will get suppressed. come back when you’re done looking up THE RADIUM GIRLS okay. you done? cool. okay so Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA
Yeah given the racial labor dynamics of this occuring at at Historically Black College and University (HBCU) it's real weird to simplify this to just some raceless rich people, my guy.
lol it’s going to be so stupid in ten years when exclusive schools for rich people brag that they use real human teachers
Italian prosecutors in Milan investigated how Dior is producing their handbags. They found that the workers were sleeping in the facility so bags could be produced around the clock. Consumers pay $2,780 per bag. The production of the bags costs Dior $57. Ht:
Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior In recent months, Italian authorities raided Dior subcontractor workshops where people were working around the clock, they said.
Republicans know Trump's agenda would be disasterously unpopular: From The Washington Post Editorial Board: "The former president wants the 2024 GOP platform to be anodyne, but don’t be fooled. He has an extreme agenda." Read it:
Like maybe just once we could notice FROM THE JUMP that white colleges and people are endowed to program things , while Black ones are endowed to be programmed or programming While being excluded from the other institutions
"Since the colonial era, in times of peace and war, the African American experience of inequality included being denied medical treatment equal to that received by white peers. Unequal treatment continued during WWI. Not even the era's increasing humanitarian efforts were immune to inequality."
How black Philadelphians fought for soldiers during World War Worried wounded African American soldiers weren't receiving the same level of care as white soldiers, the Crispus Attucks Circle took matters into their own hands.
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
I have never read one of these "we need a party for the politically homeless" pieces that does not go on to straightforwardly describe Democrats.
the thing you really can't over-emphasize about reactionary centrists is how *dumb* they are
I want to start an ad campaign: "Instead of high speed rail we got... Theranos." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of universal healthcare we got... Juicero." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of clean tap water we got... NFTs." TAX BILLIONNAIRES
It would be the self-pardon and pardons of anyone who could implicate him in the future that would be "official."
Yes, please.
some ambitious young creative should make a series of Schoolhouse Rock-style animated info clips based on Project 2025
The gang of six runs the country until someone stops them.
Tldr Fuck : - overtime pay - osha - student loan forgiveness - trans rights - net neutrality - climate regulation - transport regulation - lab test regulation - and a partridge in a pear tree
8 policies that could be vulnerable to new legal The Supreme Court jettisoned longstanding precedent that helped the federal government make regulations. Now broad policies could be determined by judges.
Matt Pottinger was long considered one of the “serious” “adults” in the higher ranks of the Trump administration and had credibility among some of the elite press due to his history as a well respected foreign or war correspondent, but holy shit fuck that smug asshole.
Dunno why I just rewatched it but the dual testimony before the Jan 6 committee of former Trump staff Sarah Matthews & Matt Pottinger is jarring, in that all of Sarah’s testimony makes you think she genuinely felt bad about the riot while it is clear Matt’s takeaway was this looks bad on my resume
I was kicked out of my graduate program after refusing the advances of my thesis advisor, and the only official person I reported it to (the graduate advisor) turned it back on me: "Why did you choose him as your advisor?" Low point of my life, even though I'm glad now that I'm not in higher ed.
and we could always use more nba chat
Bluesky will never be great until we post a football culture into existence
Again, the angle the reactionary press would _like to_ take against Vice President Harris rhymes with “bigger niche” — which might play well with its core audiences, but might also appall some voters the GOP needs.
Couldn’t even muster a capital letter P for “DEI president” in this poorly-worded, inflammatory, heat-seeking headline.
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
watching the first BEVERLY HILLS COP and it is always shocking to remember that eddie murphy was 22 when he filmed this. the guy acts on screen like he’s never not been a movie star. it’s extraordinary.
Exactly. Texas and Florida essentially set the market for the rest of us
Unfortunately, Florida's actions don't just affect Florida. Textbook publishers don't produce state-specific textbooks; it would be too costly and they'd lose a ton of money. Their textbooks are tailored to roughly fit the biggest markets.