
We can’t fight a campaign of lies by lying to ourselves. Blind loyalty and a willingness to deny reality are THEIR values, not ours. We can’t show the country who Trump is, unless we first show it who WE are.
Biden can't step down at this point. The argument about whether he should have run is absolutely valid but stepping down is instant loss. What I want is for Biden to have had a successor like Pete Buttigieg ready to take over. That's a vote I'd have been happy to cast.
He has a successor, her name is Kamala Harris.
And she wouldn't win. Maybe if it had been set up well in advance, pushing her to the forefront starting a year ago (or even 6 months, I'd take that too) it would have been a valid option, but we're only 4 months from the election and I'm sorry but it won't work.
My friend, you cannot predict the future. We have no idea who will win this race and we better be prepared to back whoever’s at the top of the ticket, whether it be Biden, Buttigieg or Kamala Harris- who we elected to be Biden’s successor. This is a simple fact.
I think Harris’ chances, while not stellar, look a lot better than Biden’s at this point.
I actually have to disagree on this one. Biden had a bad night at the absolute worst possible time, but people have rejected Trump twice before (thanks, Electoral College!) and despite my worries I honestly do think Biden has this. We were here before in 2020 with similar polling.
There's a lot of highly justified fear out there, plus the knowledge that if Project 2025 can't be enacted this election it will just turn into Project 2029, 2033, etc. But my reading is that unless something truly screwed up happens, Trump is losing.
Who knows, perhaps stepping down may be disastrous, but Biden’s decline is a legitimate concern that’s not going away. It’s more than one bad night & he’s not getting younger. At his age, he might not last the next four years. The kind of prepping you mentioned is something we need to do NOW.
Ok, so Biden drops out. That means primaries, because Biden can't just appoint a successor. It's not predicting the future to know how damaging that is to candidates, as evidenced by DeSantis. Primaries also take time, and we've seen the Ohio near-debacle getting Biden on the ballot.