
Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia)🦉are found throughout the Americas wherever vegetation is low, and soil permits burrows. They're prevalent in the mountain states of Colorado, Texas and New Mexico, especially in areas where prairie dogs create convenient burrows. (Pic: Mac Stone)
They stay in the borrowed burrows in the heat of the day, and hunt insects, lizards & small mammals at dusk and dawn with keen eyesight. They have long legs for ground pursuits, but are also agile flyers.
We have them here locally! Cute little murder nuggets. One flew into the door at work a while back. It flapped around on its back alarmingly for a while, then wobbled to it's feet , grumped a bit and recovered enough to fly home. I learned many owl curse words.
They have such expressive little faces, I'm sure their curse words are equally optimized to express their feelings 😉
The fun part was the little guy was dusty, so he left a perfect owl face upon the door glass. Sad I didn't get a picture of it.