
I should probably do this after caffeine but fuck it. We're seeing a lot of horrible things come to fruition at once that have been *most of my life* in the making and I am not young. I'm seeing a lot of "I won't vote for anyone who can't fix X" when X was set in motion in the 80s, Or the 40s.
i some cases it was LITERALLY JOE BIDEN that set them in motion though
Whatever quantity you want to place on Biden pales in comparison to Trump or any Republican.
pretty sure Biden's death toll in Palestine dwarfs Trump's. pretty sure the amount of people in prison because of Biden's policies dwarfs those put their by Trump's. etc.
Hahahaha yeah Trump had nothing to do with causing the issue in Palestine, when he emboldened the Israel government by formally moving the embassy to Jerusalem he was TOTALLY HELPING THE PEACE PROCESS.
ok. fact remains, a few hundred palestinians died under Trump. 40,000 and counting under Biden
Cause and effect don't exist in your world, I'd say that's toddler-like but even they understand that so it's more infantile. I assume you believe Neville Chamberlain was a better prime minister than Winston Churchill.
cause: Biden sends billions in arms to israel effect: those bombs kill 40,000+ palestinians