
The more I think about this, the better it seems: - High name recognition - Known political track record - From a swing state - Puts KC and Nashville in play - Brings home the millennial vote - An actual billionaire
Ms. Taylor Swift will be 35 by inauguration day 2025 I am just saying.
Travis will also be 35. Dream ticket
First First Dude, First First Dude to also serve as VP, first VP to serve as Sec'y of Beard Maintenance...There's a lot to like there.
Though if his brother tries to perform Cover Me Up again, this time at the Inaugural Ball: Drone strike. (Not really. I admire him for giving it his best shot. You miss 100% of the notes you don’t sing etc. )
Dang, even I've avoided that song.
Not my choice and I didn’t take the vocals but there’s space for dynamic organ layering you might enjoy doing