
My oped w/ Laura Edwards“In Rahimi, the Court allowed for gun regulations for those under restraining orders for domestic violence. But it retained the myopic history-and-traditions test, which requires historical research to justify every gun regulation.”
The Supreme Court Keeps Misfiring on Guns | Washington The Supreme Court Keeps Misfiring on Guns. In its Rahimi opinion, the Court listened to our brief as historians and upheld restrictions on domestic abusers. But it was only a tiny victory because, whe...
Thank you for the clear explanation of the actual history in this area, and how wrongheaded the use of history in enforcing this "standard" is (even ignoring the cherry-picking and one-sided nature.)
It's still maddening to have to live under legal "doctrines" and "tests" based on the idea that the Framers gave Congress the power to make laws and the executive branch to enforce them, but meant it to be unconstitutional for them to do anything that wasn't already being done
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