
Ahhh family and surprises. Mum and family history, I swear she points out someone new I’m related to every time I take her shopping. Now she tells me a second cousin once removed is racing 24 hours of Spa this weekend. The world feels small sometimes.
Now we’re onto my 23rd great grandmother, who was Henry VIII’s grandmother too.
Which is a different side of the family to an ancestor with one of the coolest names, Black Duncan of the Cowl.
(Of course once you’re that far back to the point of major royalty you’re just one of millions of descendants)
I have a great x 3 grandfather named Roy Batty too. All these moments were lost in time…
Lucky. I only know back to the UK on my dad's side (my 2x great grandfather, who was an officer of artillery). Mom's, it's a confusing mess that allegedly goes back to the Regicides. But I only know for sure going back that way to my great grandfather.