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39yo AMAB enbybot. Minors and porn aggregator bots will get blocked.
Britney vs. a monster. Good thing she's got that fancy new sword! ..wait, there's something odd about it. #notai #notaigenerated #fantasy #art #sword&sorcery #magic
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
Weird. I must've accidentally deleted that notes pack? Because this actually gives me some way to characterize the other half of the MC. Wanting to feel himself getting buried in the chest of the guy who made him, and being angry/vengeful in general because that guy died centuries ago.
Yeap, I do art. Just haven't been feeling it recently. Kinda flopped. Maybe I need to start playing WOW again, or something.
Sexually Suggestive
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This is good. I'd prefer something that'd take it closer back to 7.5.x with Aaron, or just OS 8/9, but this is still good.
If you liked system 6 & 7, and fuzzy light grey modern macOS annoys you, try Preferences->Accessibility->Display, and turn on Increase Contrast. It took me just half an hour to not find it jarring and now I really dislike going back to the field-of-fog regular UI. Here it is on Ventura.
Finally opened a scribblehub account. Guess we'll see where this goes?
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
Listen, I know the blue bird hurt a lot of us, and bluesky isn't devoid of people who are rude, but anyone trying on here just wants someone to interact with others. Whether it's a new project, selling, or they just saw a cool tree. Leave a nice comment and make their day. #bluesky #art #writing
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
I love drawing this edgy gal . I was basing the mask off of a Gerard brom painting
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Wait, I *did* redo that picture. And since it's going to come up, a reminder. My femboys are usually smol, but they're smol adults.
I think this means humans are inherently two- stroke. Have *you* checked your oil tank? You have to mix the oil with your fuel.
is your frog four stroke or two stroke
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
I should probably redo my "pride at kink" pic, shouldn't I? Until then, here's the old one. Halfling(?) and orc couple on the way to the local Pride event. One's starting to get a little nervous, but it all works out in the end.
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
This incredible game from Massif Press is coming as a reprint from us at Dark Horse and it arrives in 1 MONTH! A labor of love to make this deal happen. So grateful to and for trusting me with this.
Bit of a creative slump, so have some #art.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
If Vonnegut had meant for Bergeron to have any message other than "all the other people have civil rights, but *you* personally don't, so hate/resent civil rights," then he needed to have actually said so. But he didn't, so there we are.
Mom deciding that The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings were appropriate bedtime stories for a toddler.
I was three years old and hid behind a bedroom door eating sweets.
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
Reminder for those who may have forgotten:
Do people ever click thru when someone reblogs their stuff, and look for stuff on that other person's blog to share? Or is that some kind of lala- land pipe- dream fantasy that doesn't happen to real people? Like having mutuals?
I love it and must subject everyone on my feed to it.
I am so sorry. Sometimes I hate myself.
Don't have any pictures, but two things stand out. First was the mummy from Scarab of Ra. Yeah, pretty scary, especially when you don't get told to *use* the Scarab to kill him, *or* that having all three artifacts is the victory condition. Second? Spectres from Pathways into Darkness. *So* scary.
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel. My mum and dad used to play Aliens for C64 (the Electric Dreams version), a creepy-as-hell horror FPS(ish), at night and the sound of the motion tracker's whine would terrify wee me. I could never play it for very long when I first got a C64 of my own a year later.
Heretic, healer, woodshaper, merchant. Looks like an adventuring party. #notai #notaigenerated #fantasy #characterart #elf #drow #darkelf #magic #femboy
Someone's pact went thru, but it looks like his patron wanted something other than his soul. He's definitely going to be feeling weird in the morning. #notai #femboyfriday #femboy #succubusTF #incubusTF #tftg #fantasy #fantasyart #bondage #shackled
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
If two people in one day tell you a setting is good, it's probably good. Guess winnebago-core wins.
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
The Complete History of Rygar ebook is FREE for the next 2 days. Promo code INDORA will automatically apply to your cart when you use this link: Retro Game Books just hit the 3-year anniversary of this book and we want to celebrate. Grab your digital copy now.
The Complete History of From Argool to Zane, The Legend of Argus: The Complete History of Rygar is a comprehensive look at the history of the games, characters, and world of Rygar. This extended edition includes: History of ...
Working on an actual TF project. Guess we'll see how this goes. Actual TF requires twice as much render time, because of compositing and all that.
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
I shouldn't be drawing this rn. I should sleep.
I should probably redo my "pride at kink" pic, shouldn't I? Until then, here's the old one. Halfling(?) and orc couple on the way to the local Pride event. One's starting to get a little nervous, but it all works out in the end.
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
C'mon puppy, time to go back in your cage now~ ⛓️🖤