jennie rose halperin

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jennie rose halperin

Director at Library Futures, a project of NYU Engelberg Center. EMPA at NYU Wagner. she/her, chaotic good.
ALSO TODAY: a very timely primer from on divestment and her own conversations about it as a student: "Reading through the proposal now, I am struck by the earnestness, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness of our recommendations fifteen years ago."
The Rules of by Jennie Rose Halperin In 2009, as the Iraq War dragged on, I was asked by a friend to join the Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI) at Columbia University as a non-voting ...
Just some stabs at Marxist Mickey
how can I get any work done when there are so many best of culture lists to explore
I don't know why, but the header on our newsletter has been making me laugh since we wrote it
The newest set from Knowing Machines examines the people who actually build the datasets used to train AI models. Kate Crawford & Will Orr use interviews, analysis, and more to understand the people who create the data that powers AI. The work of the people who make datasets is crucial. They build the architectures of ground truth that shape AI systems. Yet there has been very little research that has focused on dataset creators or...
I am searching for a nice, reasonably priced black cardigan, particularly one I can get used on Poshmark. Something fuzzy, maybe cashmere? What cardigans do the "women's" clothes wearing people of Bluesky wear?? I've been looking for the perfect one for so long :(
I want to read the new Zadie Smith book digitally – I usually read with a gifted Kindle. I don't really want to buy it from Amazon and the waiting list at my library is 6 months long. This is how I discovered that I can't read a book purchased from Apple, Google, or Kobo on my Kindle. 🤦🏻‍♀️
How many emails about AI did I receive in the last week? How many webinars did I attend? How many did I miss? How many conversations have I had about this topic in the past 24 hours? How many times have I been asked to speak on a panel about it? (Wrong answers only)
every time I'm at a panel about AI and creativity I want to troll by asking the panelists if they've ever heard of a guy named Walter Benjamin because he had some ideas about machine art.
Not to be missed: "Reading, Power & Freedom" - with Dr Elizabeth Alexander, president of Mellon Foundation, & on 9/26 at 4pm EDT. Register to attend:
Please help get out the word to find Callan.
Imagining Godzilla showing up at school board meetings to defend public libraries and idk the heroine we need
The "mass exodus" from ALA started 15-20 years ago and is not caused by conservatives opposed to intellectual freedom – members don't know what the ALA does other than issue statements and take their money. Quoting D*n Kl*inm*n further delegitimizes this article.
Our student researchers have been doing incredible work this summer. Today's post from Wendyliz Martinez is both moving and well researched, discussing how Digital Redlining has affected her life, and what libraries can do to help. Read more:
Just sharing this again because I worked really hard on it, I think it's pretty good, and I hope it'll be useful to others. We'll build an open-access methods toolkit, supported by the libraries, that, I hope, others will eventually contribute to + use, too! :)
This is a great op ed... Please read it...
New op ed @techdirt about the power of, Controlled Digital Lending, libraries, and why creators deserve more.
New op ed @techdirt about the power of, Controlled Digital Lending, libraries, and why creators deserve more.
I have class at 9AM tomorrow and it is the first time I have had to physically be in any work setting at 9AM in 3 years and I hope I get through it (I’m an early riser but cherish my mornings at home!!!)
Instagram learned that the only paid posts I’m going to watch are vegan recipes and today I learned that it might look like a delicious 3 ingredient lentil bread on Instagram but in real life it’s a tasteless veggie burger unnecessarily made with psyllium powder. ☹️
Yes hello i would like 43 zucchinis
We're true believers in the power of knowledge and we continue to stand with Read our statement on the latest development on Hachette v. Internet Archive.
Library Futures | Our Statement on Hachette v. Internet Archive and Controlled Digital Lending of Championing the right to equitable access to knowledge.
“There's been a huge amount of pushback against AI clauses in contracts..." Wonder if it's because publishing is still evil and corporate and it's MAYBE not "tech companies" trying to replace writers with AI, but publishers themselves? 🤔
If libraries were invented now, they would be illegal. And make no mistake, that’s the ultimate goal that the copyright cartels are working toward.
Lots of thoughts about the NYTimes piece about the IA case (and will be writing a joint Letter to the Editor,) but in the meantime, I’m proud to be a “true believer imposing my utopian vision on everyone else.” We’re dangerous! We’re librarians!
Lots of thoughts about the NYTimes piece about the IA case (and will be writing a joint Letter to the Editor,) but in the meantime, I’m proud to be a “true believer imposing my utopian vision on everyone else.” We’re dangerous! We’re librarians!
Want to publicly share that all the projects coming out of Library Futures are absolutely incredible and it's all because we have SUCH A team in Kyle, Juliya, and our amazing students! I am SO PROUD of everything we've built!
Very nice article on our work facilitating access to local news in Albany in community with Hearken, Make With, and of course the APL!
Nothing like filling out an expense report to horrify myself about how much coffee I consume 😬