Dan Vergano

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Dan Vergano


Condition: Good. Dogeared science journalist. Some scratches on cover, writing in margins. Spill marks. Spine intact.
Reposted byAvatar Dan Vergano
This is adorable. Baby octopuses were spotted for the first time hatching near a hydrothermal vent, where the water is 20 degrees F warmer than where deep-sea octopuses normally live 🧪https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-baby-octopuses-hatch-from-a-surprising-deep-sea-nursery/
Watch Baby Octopuses Hatch from a Surprising Deep-Sea Nurserywww.scientificamerican.com Elated researchers watched baby octopuses hatch en masse near Pacific Ocean hydrothermal vents
Judging by my guitar store, the recession is called off. There were guys buying some pricey guitars there. Felt inadequate buying picks
Reposted byAvatar Dan Vergano
Reposted byAvatar Dan Vergano
Reposted byAvatar Dan Vergano
Reposted byAvatar Dan Vergano
After 30 plus years of skirting the ole civic duty, received a jury duty summons. Will see how it goes.
More desiderata from the 80's, which is my Bluesky theme alsf. A Fantasy Review from 1987 with an interview with some George Martin guy. Check the photo
Another unlikely leftover from the 80's piled up in my guest room / pandemic office. A copy of Phil Dick's screenplay for Ubik, some hardcore og nerdism
In a weird callback to my teenage friends getting in touch over the pandemic, I am now holding $40 in shipping worth of Star Trek tabletop wargame books from the 80's for a friend in Germany afraid his mother would sell them as she downsized.
End of feed.