
Lotta people sharing and taking dreadfully seriously polls with undecideds damn near 20% and telling on themselves but some of ya'll ain't ready for that
michelle obama has the opportunity to do the funniest thing
If she said “I’m the dem candidate now” would anyone say boo? She’d win 40 states. She’d fundraise like a pinball machine going nuts.
She could run as Obama/Harris, win the election, and resign before even moving into the White House. Then Harris gets hers too.
She hates politics, and the only reason she gets so much support is because she's out of politics. Not to mention, did you not see how she was treated by the right wing media during the Obama years?!
I’d LOVE to see her be POTUS bc she is one of the most qualified people out there IMO. But I also DON’T want her to ever run bc she put up with enough bs for a lifetime when she was FLOTUS. She didn’t deserve the ire of RW media and it’d be so much worse if she were POTUS.