Gabino Iglesias

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Gabino Iglesias

Writer/reader/speaker/music lover/book reviewer/freelancer/photographer/PhD. Words in many places. I want to do all the things, so invite me!
Sometimes the “I can’t write because the world is on fire” feeling turns into an “I must write because the world is on fire” feeling, so don’t quit.
Thirty days until this little monster hits bookshelves! Remember: preorders are crucial. Here’s the amazing Rachel Harrison giving you some reasons to get you some.
“You 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 to separate the art from the artist.” Haha. No.
Love it how every time I imagine a cool thing happening my brain immediately responds with a dozen awful scenarios.
Write that thing. Make it weird. Make it sad. Make it funny or kinky or scary or whatever you want. Write what makes you happy.
Afternoon mood brought to you by Julie Dillon.
We are so excited about this upcoming novella from! GUILLOTINE comes recommended by the amazing! SO thrilled that she's coming to ArmadilloCon in September! | Sept 6-8 | Austin Southpark #amreading #horror
Wanna know why getting your book reviewed is so hard? I tell you in the latest thing. You can read and sign up here:
Why getting your book reviewed is so Let's break it down...
Best thing I’ve read today! Haha.
At Books-a-Million and randomly overheard a dude asking about THE DEVIL TAKES YOU HOME and I was like “Oh yeah, I just saw that, I know right where it is.” So I got that nerdy little bookstore gremlin rush today. 😁
Funniest part of tonight’s walk was a lady with two dogs who was pulling at her pug’s leash and screaming, “No! Squid! Stop! Squid, you motherfucker, I said stop!”
Wrote a novel in four months? That’s fucking awesome! Wrote a novel in three years? That’s fucking awesome! Do you. A book takes as long as it takes. Just keep at it.
Wanna know why getting your book reviewed is so hard? I tell you in the latest thing. You can read and sign up here:
Why getting your book reviewed is so Let's break it down...
Afternoon mood brought to you by Jenna Barton.
I am delighted to announce that I will be on the panel "When the Bullet Hits the Bone: Why Crime and Horror Fiction Are Bound in Blood," at Necon, with S. A. Cosby, John Goodrich (Moderator), and Craig Wolf!
Read (and preorder) more horror. 🕸️🔪📚
Hey, it’s my birthday! Didn’t get me anything? It’s all good, you can just preorder this thing. That way I get a gift and your future self also gets a gift. I’m gonna eat cake and write dark stuff today. Anyway, here’s what the great Meg Gardiner said about it. Stay cool.
I feel like I'm hallucinating this novel.
Today in “this is a weird gig”: 1. Someone asked me if I knew House of Bone and Rain already has 1- and 2-star reviews. 2. UK galleys are going to the printer. 3. Something might or might not happen in ten days that could be huge. Or not. 4. Getting preorders is HARD.
Heads up! Zenith Literary doesn’t exist. This is a fake agency and they don’t represent any of the books displayed on their home page. These are fucking predators.
It’s officially too hot in Austin, so I’ve started walking the dog at sunset. One hour or so of music and thinking as the world goes dark. By the time I get home, I’m ready to write.
What are y’all reading and watching this weekend?
Might have to dedicate the next book to this dude. He’s already been right by my side for two novels…
I’ve said this before, but it’s timely again. Dear writers: 1. Read contracts carefully. 2. Don’t know what something means? Ask. 3. You can add clauses to your contract. “No AI covers” and “All rights revert to the author after four weeks without communication” are great ones.
One thing that can help you survive in publishing is making sure you’re writing exactly what you want to write.
Yesterday the novel entered the "shut all the windows and listen to nothing but Lustmord while writing in the dark in the middle of the day" territory. I thrive in that place. After I turn in these two reviews, that's where I'll be today. Hope you have a productive day.
Afternoon mood brought to you by Randy Ortiz.
Last weekend I sat on a panel where four other writers encouraged folks to submit to venues that charge reading fees and to pay for entry fees to contests because if you win, it’s worth it. I said “Never pay. Fuck fees.” Nice and friendly? No, but fuck fees. Never pay to play.
Got recognized by a reader at the gym today. Second or third time that’s ever happened. Still weird. Still awesome.