Kyle Chayka

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Kyle Chayka

BTW contrary to some reports, I am still here
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Chayka
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Chayka
have you ever thought about how willy wonka is actually about a bunch of kids having a bad time? this is a post i haven't seen on any social network before
btw I'm still on this site
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Chayka
This book by, exploring how #algorithms have shaped the modern world, sounds fascinating. As he says, "I think they're actually kind of atomizing our experiences, because we can never tell what other people are seeing in their own feeds." Read more:
How social media algorithms 'flatten' our culture by making decisions for Filterworld author Kyle Chayka examines the algorithms that dictate what we watch, read and listen to. He argues that machine-guided curation makes us docile consumers.
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Reading's new book FILTERWORLD and remembering how, a decade ago today, Netflix was certain it had my taste pegged: Its "best guess for Matthew" was that I would give 3.5 stars to whatever this is. (The algorithm has improved a bit since then.)
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Chayka
I'm still on here. I do think my avatar here is the best of any new digital platform I'm on
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Chayka
engagement check — can anyone see this lol
the other site gets worse by the day... an aroma of fetid swamp... nothing makes sense... is there no stable place left on the internet... it leaves me unable to work, to think... I must abandon it once more... and head to a Swiss sanatorium to convalesce...
there's no expectation of a stable social order... urban real estate prices are unsustainable but income inequality is only increasing... every consumer product is designed for a tiny coterie of uber-wealthy people who increasingly only fetishize price... a man is buying up all of Nantucket...
no likes yet
art... commerce... the personal brand... the self versus the market... linen is in fashion this summer... climate change will alter all aesthetics... critics will claim it's taste but really it's the weather...
art... commerce... the personal brand... the self versus the market... linen is in fashion this summer... climate change will alter all aesthetics... critics will claim it's taste but really it's the weather...
posting into the vacuum of bsky... listening for echoes of human presence... the internet is a zone of increasingly missed connections... only the chocolate chip cookies are good at this cafe... it seems gauche to bring a personal thermos but I do it anyway...
morning walk in the marshy CT woods... dog frolicked in the water... got weak coffee at a local roaster... plus a lemon biscotti... unseasonably hot... promises to be more of a party than July 4... everyone hates America but we're still not buying cheap property in abandoned European villages...
still on blue sky... it rained tonight... dog was antsy cause she couldn't go outside much... researching French hotels... eating low-fat cape cod chips...
Reposted byAvatar Kyle Chayka
It seems like we are reverting back to an internet made up of locked-in portals and closed online communities, essentially turning the clock back on 20 years of internet development. Things are gonna suck real bad for a real long time I think.
I feel like my generation experienced Peak Internet and we’re now on a downward trend. Google Search sucks. You can’t trust Amazon ratings. Twitter & Reddit are at war with their users. Every useful news site is paywalled and every garbage one is free. Turns out 2010s were the good old days.
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Welcome Twitter refugees! I'm still aiming to become the first person to get a job (editorial) through Bluesky. Hmu: [email protected].
Will I be the first person to get a job through Bluesky?
things people talk about for fun: 1) TV shows 2) travel destinations 3) restaurants 4) where to buy a credenza
I feel a desperate need to get a tattoo but getting a specific tattoo artist is so hard now!!!! Instagram has made them into market commodities
still thinking about this
a lost 19th-century French novel about a duke who can only climax listening to live Debussy performances
a lost 19th-century French novel about a duke who can only climax listening to live Debussy performances
sometimes I think about what it would be like to have a speaking voice that really carries, just a loud motherfucker, everyone in any space can hear you
this content is good though
if we’re sharing art, here’s my interpretation of a nice crunchy desert landscape