
I get frustration over Biden saying he won't use power SCOTUS wrongly okayed and the cathartic appeal of fantasies about Biden jailing Trump or whatevs. But the decision is very unpopular and does makes Trump seem more dangerous. Not clear to me that it helps Biden to blur this revivified contrast.
Also, while in the realm of fantasy, it's ok for biden to keep his powder dry here. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he can figure out the autogolpe afterwards! (i am not being serious)
That's the paradox, a good president doesn't need these powers, a shithead will absolutely revel in them. Trump needs this cover because they expect him to do his worst.
Yes. Trump’s base loves the strong man. But we shouldn’t mistake the concerns of the marginal voters in swing states over Biden’s age as the same thing. I think they’re better described as having risk aversion, so Harris (or Biden, if necessary) needs to show that Trump presents the greater risk.