ol tonyo

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ol tonyo


That net does not make me feel safe
All those holes make me nervous
gonna go look at speakers to buy on the internet, you know, until john roberts arrests me bc steely dan is illegal
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I wrote a quick note about the time Roosevelt prepared a speech in which he proposed to fight a Supreme Court ruling. 🗃️
a necessitous blog - Compelled to look beyonderauchway.github.io
There is no way that Trump would be silent in response to an assault on his coalition al la what SCOTUS just handed Biden. Dems are yearning for loud, confrontational leadership to direct their anger. Where is it? But i did get a fundraising email referencing the immunity case
this seems, among other things, an instruction for the president to demand the doj/fbi open investigations into his political opponents
It would be extremely funny if the nyt, having pre-written their stories on the debate, missed the important one: it ends up having acted as a catalyst for the dem coalition to start paying attention and come home
it’s been a few days now and that “black jobs” thing is still all over my tiktok
I think this suggests on some level that the fundamentals are driving the car. Which is good news for biden, I think, if you're looking for it.
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Dropping out isn't enough. For the good of the nation, Biden must commit ritual seppuku on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. My column:
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Biden sounds old and raspy but clearly know what he talks about. Trump is free associating nonsense when he isn't lying. Stop dooming.
This is kind of interesting. 1) agencies are going to have to confront these questions and 2) if the heads of agencies are politicians then it's an interesting way to bolster your bona fides www.washingtonpost.com/climate-envi...
EPA chief seeks to reassure employees as specter of Trump loomswww.washingtonpost.com In a speech to staff, Michael Regan rebuked the Trump administration’s efforts to sideline climate scientists.
I wonder if the Biden campaign is buying ads on Netflix. Do Netflix ads have any reach?
Hell is being stuck in a dentist exam chair while fox news is playing loudly on the tv
This really does make me wonder about, like, non-response bias in polls. I assume i'm just coping but it's not controversial that Trump voters seem currently a lot more enthusiastic. Would that not show up in the polls? And aren't there supposed to be more young black people in this pic? Dunno man
“White Crowds Fill the Pews for Trump’s Visit to Black Church” www.thedailybeast.com/white-crowds...
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Whose woods these are, I think I, know,
I have no idea what to think about people who didn't vote in 20 or 22 and who prefer Trump by 14 pts. Disregarding who we actually think this type of person is, should we be expecting them to show up and vote? What's the R turnout operation for these people?
I run by this house that flies an American flag upside down and now every time I do i just yell "USA USA USA" or "love it or leave it!" bc if you don't want to be out-patrioted by a liberal runner don't fucking fly dumb flags slapdick
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if donald trump gets convicted of a felony the bar for likes goes way down, its just the rules
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Were prominent writers (who were read by powerful people) writing similarly scathing things of the Court after Bush v. Gore? It's my hope that the elite drumbeat is a sign that the D party is inching its way closer to dealing with this court.
i think the best way to understand the supreme court's conduct in trump v. united states is as an explicit effort to intervene in the 2024 election on behalf of the former president. it is a gross abuse of power on par with dred scott and deserves to be met with sanction from the elected branches.
End of feed.