
“I don’t get it, why are you celebrating American Chauvinism this year of all years? This country is capital C cooked” My abuelo crossed a desert at the age of 14 for nearly a week, by moonlight, to get his life here. By placing yourself in the shoes of others, you may be able to understand 👍
White people make for the most obnoxious activists, I am sorry but goddamn
Totally, it's a lot of "good intentions" that ignore anyone else's experiences, perspectives, etc.
To prove I am a good ally, I have declared that I have Given Up on the idea that there is any path to a progressive egalitarian political arrangement that doesn’t require a long march through the fields of blood and iron 👍
These people exhaust me and the only positive about them is they are never the ones showing up, so I only seem to encounter them online